Sharing Our Year!

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  • LindseyD

    I’ve spent ALL DAY at my desk today, and I’ve got our year planned for 2013-2014! I wanted to share it here, and welcome any comments/suggestions/criticisms you’ve got. Also, if you haven’t already, share yours!


    LOVE!!! It looks so great. Can I come to school at your house? 🙂


    No time now to post our curriculum (leaving for karate soon), but I had a question about your math facts review. Is that oral? Do you say the fact together, such as 4*4=16, or do you give the problem and your dc the answer?



    I’ll tell you what Sonya did at the conference. We had a CM-Style Morning of Studies where the moms became the students and Sonya was the homeschooling momma. We started with a natural history (science) reading from Clare Walker Leslie’s nature journal and noted what we learned from her studies and then discussed our thoughts as a group. Then we moved several word problems that involved long division. As soon as we finished that, Sonya had written the 7s multiplacation table on the white board, like this:

    7×3= and so on

    She pointed at random to each fact, and we all recited the problem with the answer in unison. 

    Next was a discussion from a sample Book of Centuries, followed immediately by a passage about Alexander the Great from Plutarch’s Lives. We were required to do a written narration of the passage after reading it. We discussed our written narrations (and how humbling it was because now we could all sympathize with the difficulty we expect from our children!). Following that history reading and written narration, we did 10 minutes of cursive copywork, and then finished our morning with a Spanish lesson.

    I loved the incorporation of a quick review of math facts because it adds interest and variety to the day, uses a different part of the brain, breaks up subjects, and accomplishes a simple,  yet important, purpose. I enjoyed it so much and found it could be so useful in our homeschool that I am adding it in for next year.

    Sorry for the long explanation…I felt it necessary!


    Thanks, Lindsay.


    Your plans look great!  I love the math idea…My DS went through Gamma this year with his big sister, but he’ll be going through Beta next year.  I’m trying to figure out a good math review system so he doesn’t forget his multiplication facts (since they aren’t reviewed in Beta).  


    Our plans…it’s so great to see these coming together!:

    Family subjects: Mystery of History volume 1, 106 Days of Creation, poetry (Favorite Poems Old and New as well as a Lewis Carroll study), Chronicles of Narnia along with Roar! discussion questions (these look very open-ended), Laying Down the Rails for Children, Future Christian Homemakers cooking lessons, Drawing With Children, Prima Latina, Catechism study and scripture memory system

    Individual:  MUS for all, copywork, Spelling Wisdom (6th and 3rd grades), phonics reader for 1st grader, indpendent reading for 6th & 3rd graders, MOH will have some writing for the older two

    HOD’s Little Hands To Heaven preschool program for 3/4yo (we started last winter)

    I don’t plan out picture or composer studies very far ahead.  I know we’ll be starting with Grieg.  For picture study, I just use a book of 100 favorite paintings from a garage sale and pick one before each weekly study.

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