RightStart Level B Question

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  • TravelingMommaof3

    We are just starting HS this coming school year. We attended a curriculum fair and tried RightStart and Teaching Textbooks. I didn’t like TT because it was all on the computer. I like RightStart and so did my kids, ds-11, dd-8, ds-6. The woman recommended Level B for dd & ds-6. My question is I don’t have money to purchase the whole package, can I get by with purchasing Lesson B lessons used and nothing else? Should I have the worksheets? I can use my own manipulatives.

    Thanks in advance for the great guidance.



    Maybe you could find a used set?  I will start RS in the fall, but I bought complete sets of level A and B inexpensively off of Craigslist.  I would also keep my eyes out on homeschoolclassifieds.com  Hope you are able to find what you need! 🙂


    You will absolutely need the lesson plans, and the worksheets, and an abacus for each child (although I did make our own to start with.)

    You will need Place Value Cards for each child (you can print some off that you find on the internet – but know that the RS ones are much nicer, durable, and easier to use.

    The Geared clock is nice (recommended one per child) – you could make due with a paper clock with movable arms – it just doesn’t show how the hour hand moves a bit with the minute hand…)

    Base 10 picture cards (the site doesn’t recommend one per child – but if doing the lesson together, I do…) – can probably find some on the internet to use – the RS ones are really nice again…

    Abacus tiles – could honestly make due with the base 10 picture card for 100…

    Cards for Math Games – REQUIRED

    Geoboards – I did find some virtual ones online – it is only used in level B for a few lessons – but my kids love them

    Wooden Cubes – we are almost done level B – and I think they were used in 1 or 2 lessons?  could use any regular-sized cubes in this level….

    Colored Tiles – We used these a lot, although you might be able to make due… note that these are 1″ on a side, and do get used to measure stuff at some point.  Used for counting, patterns, etc.

    Math Balance – My kids love this – there is a virtual one online somewhere that you could use, but they might not “get” it so much.  That said, it is really only used for a few lessons, unless your child chooses to use it more.

    Tally Sticks (craft sticks / popsicle sticks – get at the store)

    Geometry Reflector – used a few times – a pocket mirror would probably work

    Yellow is the Sun CD – songs are also on the RS website

    Game Instructional DVD – shows how to play some of the games – note that I think they are all also on Youtube.

    SO – This might help you do things a little cheaper – not sure how much you save with that.  You can call RS to see if they have any “looked at” stock (looked at at trade show, or returned without being used) that you can buy at a discount.


    Those are great tips from suzukimom. We bought our lesson book used on ebay and bought AL Abacus for each child and math games kit and place value cards from the company. I make due with what I have for the rest. Instead of colored tiles, we’ve used everyday objects like crayons, toy cars, toy dinos, and even a bag of 200 cotton balls. You can use paper clips for measuring. We already had a set of base 10 blocks, so we use those instead of the base 10 cards, but I think you could make your own showing each of ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands. The “abacus tiles” show 100 each.


    Well, you can use paper clips for measuring – but the measuring unit has them start off by measuring with paper clips, crayons, etc… then measuring with the tiles as a “standard unit of measurement”….  a couple of lessons into it, they make a ruler using the tiles to measure….   

    That said – my kids are already familiar with rulers.  We have done the measuring with tiles, but plan to just use a ruler instead of making one…. if your kids are familiar with using a ruler, you could skip the measuring with tiles…



    Here is a blog post I made showing our homemade abacuses.  Note that now that we have the ones from rightstart, they really don’t use the homemade ones anymore…  http://maplehillacademy.blogspot.ca/2011/07/looking-at-rightstart.html


    I would suggest signing up for the RightStart Yahoo Group as people list things for sale on there.  Also homeschoolclassifieds.com that someone above mentioned.  I do think you really need the manipulatives for the lessons but some things you could do more cheaply like some of the above posters mentioned. I got the whole Level B set off one of the above sites for $125 & have seen where people are selling just the manipulatives.  I have the card set & lessons book for Level B if you want to PM me about those maybe I can help you get those more cheaply.  Also, I know that there was  recent post on here where someone was selling some items & you could PM her (Heather).  I know at one point she had most of the RightStart level B manipultives for sale quite cheaply.

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