Right start math


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  • Mary

    I am new to home schooling and have a first grader and fourth grader, I am looking at ordering Right Start math, wondering what others have ordered. There are a few options, the kits that are all inclusive or purchasing the materials al a carte. Also wondering if the kits include the same manipulatives, if so I would only want to get one full kit. Thanks!


    Have you figured out the levels you will be starting at with the placement test? The one level would likely be level b, but presumably the older child would be at a higher level, and that would make a difference. Many of the manipulative are common, so there are “add on kits” when you move levels.

    You will probably want the level b kit… Standard has the basic needed manipulatives… deluxe has a few extra, some of which might be used in a higher level as well.

    If your older child tests at level c, then it is easy… You would also buy the b-to-c add on kit and the transition lessons, and possibly another abacus. If they test into level d or e it may be more complicated… And I’d just phone to have them help figure out the best way to get what you need. Hth some!


    Thanks so much for your comment! I didn’t originally see the placement tests, that is very helpful! Yes, I think no brainier for my younger son but my older son I will have to figure out where he really is at, I wouldn’t want to get home something that was too advanced, and him get frustrated!

    Thanks again!


    You would want to buy the kit geared towards the oldest child and then get the additonal items for the younger.  Mainly because your oldest would need the transition lessons and those are included in the kits in the levels above B.  It’s less expensive to come back and only get what you need for Level B.

    Even better, call RS and they will help you so that you do not need to spend any more than you have to.




    Thank you or the advice ladies!!

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