Pine cone bird feeders

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  • Sue

    Okay, so I know I’m late in the season, but then I always seem to think about these before winter comes & never get around to making them. However, I have a question for those of you who have made pine cone bird feeders. (For next year, right?) Wink

    One reason I’ve put off making these is that I have heard it said that if you use regular bird feeders, you should make sure you can afford the time, effort, and money to keep them stocked through the entire winter season. The idea is that you don’t want the birds to be without food if you suddenly stop providing it for them. So, I’m wondering if those of you who have made the pine cone bird feeders keep adding peanut butter and seeds the entire winter or if you just put them out once and then that’s it.

    I don’t suppose drawing the birds to your yard to feed on one pine cone would cause them to depend on you as a source of food, but I was just wondering how you all have handled this.



    We just put them out once and that’s it. If I had to be responsible for feeding all the birds in the area AND my four kids, I’d lose my mind. LOL.

    We have two pinecone feeders out right now and my DS (who is 7) has identified about 8 different kinds of birds feeding from it in the past several days. It’s been very fun and educational. Now he wants to try to become his own feeder and get some chickadees to eat from his hands, but I don’t know if he has the patience for that just yet.

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