Patience for today & a promise

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  • Misty

    So our youngest 4 children are hit or miss with sitting. Yes I mean sitting quietly, without touching everything/everyone within sight. I was so good about teaching our oldest 3 to sit. We practiced sit time daily. I know all the ins and out of teaching it.

    Somewhere along the way of being a wife, mom and teacher I have left this out of our last 4 children. Don’t get me wrong they do find with short 5 minutes here or if you are reading a book to them. It’s the times where you are faced with nothing to entertain them. They are 16mo, 3, 5.5 & 8 (2girls then 2 boys). I do work on it just not consistanly.

    I try practicing but something always gets in the way. Well TODAY is the day where this will all stop. Last night at church my dh gave me another “this or that” talk. Either they learn to sit in church or he isn’t going anymore. It’s a waste of his time. And yes, we’ve talked bout the nursery, or other options but either we’re on different sides or it’s not available at the mass we go to and switching is not appealing to him.

    For me church is a must that’s just me it fills me in a way nothing else can, for him it’s not (or at least he doesn’t make me feel it is).

    So today and forward I promise you that we will be practicing sit time many times a day. Working on learning to sit, quietly and lengthing that time every time we can. Today and here out, I am going to put aside all the “other” things that keep getting in the way of teaching my youngest children how to sit. They can sit just to sit, they can sit on the floor while I do laundry, they can sit and listen to me read, they can sit and well do nothing cause that’s really the point.

    I just needed to tell someoene else that I am doing this and I HAVE to if I want to make my dh happy and keep our family going to church together.

    This is my statement to you today. What is your habit that’s been put off? Maybe we can all work on it together and help eachother.

    Blessings and patience for all you who also need to step back into the game and make “it” happen.



    Misty, blessing to you today as you work on this area…yep! my area is consistency! Sigh! Being consistent with all subjects!Embarassed

    Don’t give up!


    Yay for setting up some accountability for yourself today!

    My habit? Discipline to make time for my own health. After every baby it is always a battle to make time to exercise, cook healthy foods, and get off my duff and move. This time will be different. Today is day 2 of exercising and I know if I can just be consistent for a few weeks I’ll feel the difference and have more energy – which will make everything easier.

    Tristan, how are you and how is your precious little one doing…? I have been thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. Linda



    We’re doing well, really well. Mason’s on his last set of casts for his clubfeet and then moves to a bar with two shoes attached to hold his feet in the corrected position. His back and head have healed well from surgery, his shunt in his brain is working so far, he’s alert and a pretty easy baby compared to some of his siblings at this age. We just got the ok from the urologist today to move to catheterizing him only once a day! This is a huge improvement from every 6 hours around the clock. He tried every 12 hours for the last week and we’re still getting low volumes out when we cath him (he is peeing on his own a lot), so we’re trying once every 24 hours for a few weeks starting today.

    We have seen so many answered prayers already, quick healing, quick corrections with the clubfeet, and so on. We’ve felt peace through the process and it’s such a blessing as we settle in to life with Mason.

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