Overcoming perfectionism in homeschooling

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  • Kelly Bond

    I struggle with perfectionism when it comes to homeschooling. Thankfully, my children are both small yet so I have time to work through this before we really get going with anything formal. My problem is that I’m a great idea person! I come up with good ideas and am constantly gathering new ideas from books, blogs, here, etc. I have always loved ideas. But when I go to plan anything, I’m also overwhelmed with all the ideas and I end up not really planning anything. Kind of an attitude of “If I can’t do it perfectly, I won’t do it at all.” If anyone else has struggled with this or still does and has any tips or help for me, I’d greatly appreciate it! When I have just jumped in and chosen something and ran with it, I’ve been happy with the results. But there’s that voice lurking behind that plants doubts or thoughts that it could be better.

    Thanks so much!

    Betty Dickerson

    I’m so like this.  My children are older now and I can tell you from my hindsight that it’s what you do with what you’ve got that really matters.  Just like too much stuff clutters a house and keeps you from being able to focus on anything, too many ideas and searching for a better…book, curriculum, schedule, routine, philosophy just clutters your heart and mind.  I spent so many years searching for and collecting just the “right” book that the search took up more time than actually using them. 

    The more simple and doable you make things, the better and more peaceful things will be.  A happy mom is a better teacher than any curriculum.  If I spend alot of time reading blogs, talking about homeschooling, reading about homeschooling more than actually doing it, it only breeds discontent in my heart and then lots of guilt over time wasted.  If I were to spend the same amount of time, plopped on the couch available to my children to read to them, to talk with them, to go for a walk, to look into their eyes I would not feel that insufficiency or discontent because I was actually doing something to make my life better and my focus was on connecting with my children not on creating an impressive homeschool (which just feeds my pride). It doesn’t take much to have a successful homeschool, but many times I want to make sure I’m using/doing the best.  That’s not neccessarily a godly thing.

    I’m being brutally honest.  I could kick myself for time I’ve wasted.  The Lord has opened my eyes to all of this recently.  Time is so short.  It’s so easy to spend your days wishing for something else, something you think is better, but the best is in your lap already.  Many times I have to do a media fast and pull away and re-focus.  What matters is what the Lord and my husband tell me to do, not what Sue is doing or what Sally is doing.  That’s what God will hold me accountable for. 

    Figure out what you enjoy doing in homeschooling whether it’s being crafty, being active, being a tutor, or being the reading mom (that’s me).  Find options that fit your lifestyle as well.  The more flexible things are the easier it will be to stick to it. 

    Balance is key, for there is alot of encouragement out there, but don’t spend too much time looking over your shoulder.  I tend to over analyze and complicate the simplest things when it’s so much better to keep things simple and stick to it.  I’m a melancholy personality and have to be aware of this contstantly. 

    I hope this helps.  I don’t mean to sound like you are doing everything I have done, but just to offer some thoughts of what I’ve learned the hard way.  The Lord is good and merciful and redeems so much of what the locusts eat.  Each day is another chance to start over and I’m very grateful! 

    Kelly Bond

    Anabetica…thanks so much for your honesty. We have so much in common! Thanks for being willing to be honest…that’s what I need! I, too, am a melancholy so I can relate to all of this. Thank you again! God has used your experience to help me.


    Thanks, Anabetica.  You’ve helped me, too!  I spend way too much time on the computer searching forums for the best curriculums/methods—but struggle to get my simple goals like a timeline/book of centuries going.  Keeping it simple and uncomplicated is such great advice.  I think I need a media fast, too.  When our computer was down recently I felt so much better about my days.  Thanks for sharing your experience:)  Gina


    Wow! I could have written that post myself! I sometimes feel that my poor little brain cannot hold another idea! LOL!! I have learned a lot in the past few months. But I think the biggest lesson learned has been that I know what works best for us and I need to have the confidence to just do it. There are a lot of GREAT things that I could do, methods to try, books to read, blogs to read, etc., etc., etc. I have decided that if I am happy using Spelling Wisdom (for example) and I hear about some other GREAT spelling program…..I REFUSE TO EVEN GOOGLE IT!!!!! LOL!! I am serious!

    After all of my searching for the perfect this or that, I have found that perfection does not exist in any given curriculum or method. I love the CM method and I don’t regret all the research I have done to learn more about it. However, I am going to use these methods and the SCM curriculum guide as a guide. I am going to “TEACH THE CHILD, NOT THE CURRICULUM” (words of wisdom from Sonya 🙂


    Anabetica, have you been reading my mind? 

    The Lord convicted me about a year ago that I spend so much time planning for the perfect _____________, but never actually accomplished anything. It became a really big problem when I realized that I was annoyed with the children for interrupting my planning. The trouble was, I was ALWAYS planning something and never doing it.

    I have since greatly simplified and stick very closely to the SCM curriculum guide and only add in other favorite books. My heart and mind have been at peace since simplifying and that is a tremendous blessing. I must admit that the past 2 weeks have been harder as I slipped a bit and began my old research and plan routine, but the Lord has pointed it out to me yet again. 

    Today, while I didn’t get all of my academic boxes checked off, I did…

    • laugh with my kids
    • read to my kids
    • take a walk with my kids
    • made dinner for my family
    • enjoyed read aloud time and devotions with my family
    • rocked my 2 month old baby to sleep
    • managed to not raise my voice but remain calm in training the children all day
    • praised more than corrected and criticized
    •  and just generally had a great day as a mom!Smile

    Perfection does not exist this side of heaven and I want to enjoy my time with my children and not view them as interruptions to my planning for the perfect life!

    All in all, I encourage you to fight against perfectionism. I think it a tool of Satan to discourage and enslave us and keep us from living up to God’s plan for our lives. Remember 1 Peter 5:7, “Casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.” This verse is a help to me, may it encourage you also.



    Betty Dickerson

    Wow!  I’m being blessed by this thread too!  I didn’t realize that I had functioned for so long believing that a perfect________ existed this side of heaven, and I was on this elusive pursuit of it at the detriment of my family and my sanity.

    You all have had some great pointers and I’m so comforted to know that I’m not alone! 

    Christie, it sounds like you had as close to a perfect day as you can have!  Praise God! 

    I still have at least another month of preparing our new house to move in.  So right now, I’m not even homeschooling but longing so much for routine and some sort of normalcy.  It’s been a year of living out of boxes and doing DIY home projects. 

    It’s been a long time since I’ve rocked a baby to sleep, enjoy!!  I miss those days…but am also enjoying where the Lord has placed me right now.  Contentment is worth striving for.  Blessings to you all.  Ana Betty

    I am exactly like this too!  What God has really convicted me of is in all my planning and researching I had forgotten to Pray!  I buy impulsively and swap curriculums and styles without asking God what I should be using.  My husband recently told me to make him a list of what I need for next year and I started writing down things I thought I wanted, but then I tore up the list and knew that I need to pray about it first.  Not just “Lord, help me know that this curriculum is right,”  and go ahead and buy it,  But to really wait upon HIM to guide me.


    Oh my goodness! That has been exactly me too. It took me so many years to realize it and desire to change. I was always planning and never doing. I’m embarrassed about it! After I did some changing though, I finally didn’t feel like homeschooling was going to kill me. I like my kids and my life better too, and that’s worth anything you can do.

    I have an article on my website about it. I thought about putting it on here, but I decided to put the link instead. You click on the link and scroll through some other articles-it’s a cheap website and you have to scroll through. It’s the last one on the page, and it’s called My Life is Complicated. Enjoy!



    Wow, Art! What a great article and it hits so close to home!  I also read the one about the dirty commode.  I found a simple solution for that one – I bought a new $10 seat for our  commode and you’d be surprised what a difference it made!   Our commode is now a thing of beauty!

    Its a relief to read that I’m not the only one planning myself to death.  I am learning to plan less and spend more time with the plan-ees!  You ladies are a blessing!


    I have been a lurker on here for a couple of weeks & just came across this thread. 

    anabetica, just wanted to let you know that your post was something my heart needed to hear.  I connected with it so much that I have printed it out to file in my “Homeschool Inspiration” folder, for those times I beat myself up with the “perfection” stick. 


    Just wanted to add that…THIS IS ME TOO!  I am now seeing that I am not alone.  Thanks for the encouragement.



    Betty Dickerson

    I bless the Lord that something is getting thru to my thick head and is able to encourage anyone else!  He’s so good and kind!  I’m such a slow learner sometimes…  I will need to remind myself of these things soon.  We will be moving into our new home (finally) next week, Lord willing, and once we are settled, we will resume homeschooling.  I will need the Lord’s guidance so very much as I am treading new waters how I’ve homeschooled in the past will be changing due to my health issues and adding an eager 6 yr old to the mix.  I’m so grateful that others can relate.  You all have encouraged me so much.  Blessings to you all.



    You have encouraged others beyond this forum, even.  I copied your message to my homeschool LOOP of 40+ moms and received positive feedback, too.  Hope you don’t mind:) I try to limit what I share, but your message really touched me and I knew others would be able to relate.   Blessings, Gina


    I came upon this old post and found it to be a blessing today. Perhaps others need it now as well.

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