So last week we took the challenge from the Outdoor Hour Challenge handbook. We were supposed to just go outside for about 15-20 minutes (maybe some other suggestions, too, but I can’t remember).
Basically, my plan was to go for a walk, which we love to do, but just don’t do enough. Right away I decided to challenge us with a bit more. While we walked, I asked each dc to observe one piece of nature like they would for picture study. They did this with enthusiasm, choosing a tree/plant. The rest of our walk we just enjoyed the nature provided by our neighbor’s: flowers/trees/rocks, etc.
I was going to skip the narration time (not sure that that was even recommended) but decided I would try it. My kids narrated their chosen observation very well and even enjoyed it. Next week I will have them draw them in their notebooks.
(I did have one ds that had chosen a tree that we have called “his” that he needs to keep an eye on and observe its changes.)
Now we are an outdoorsy family (to a degree) but focused Nature Study is hit-miss with us. I long to have my dc have nature notebooks full of drawings/observations/proper names, etc. (which they do have some), but that will take more of me to see it come together. I know it doesn’t have to be complicated….I have complicated it myself. My dc love it and we enjoy that time so I don’t really know why it’s the first “extra” to go by the wayside. Have to work on that.