homeschooling high school

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  • jill smith

    How do you homeschool a high school boy (in coming freshman age 15). Feels like he needs a challenge from what we are doing right now. How do you keep grades ect.

    We are using sonlight books and apologia, but he doesn’t apply himself all the time. I also want to teach them all together. Ages 15,11, 8 ,and 5. Help!


    Well, that’s a big question.  Have had two of those so far here.  🙂  If he needs a challenge, then enlist his help.  What is he interested in?  Where does he envision himself in a few years, and what does he need to get there?  Grades are the easy part.  I simply keep a sheet of paper for each class and write down what we do, and when I evaluate it, write down my evaluation, then assign a grade at the end for classes that need it.  I don’t assign a grade for every class.

    Sonlight can have some useful info, and so does Apologia.  I use Apologia in high school myself.  About being together–well, there are real benefits to doing some things together.  BUT there is only so much that a 5yo and a 15yo can meaningfully do together.  Artist study, maybe, religion, a history read aloud  But how are you going to do biology dissections with a 5yo?  Or algebra?  Or a meaningful history essay?  Your time with this one is the shortest.  I found it helpful to focus on exactly what my teen needs for his future, which is approaching at warp speed at this age.  

    I think you’ll get better application from him if he feels ownership if his material, if he has a hand in selecting what he does and how he does it, if he sees the relevance to his future. Guys like that.  🙂  Must be that dominion thing.  🙂  Also he needs opportunities to be with kids his own age as appropriate for your family, and I personally think teen boys need plenty of outside time, activity time, and service time.  They also really like it if somehow something involving moving vehicles can come into the program.  LOL 

    jill smith

    Thanks, I am really only looking at teaching them together for History and possible Science and Bible. He is a hands on kids so outside stuff would be good for him. Have you used product off this CM site? I like the science for the younger kids.(Jacks insect book) ect. I am new to the Cm learning. There are no support groups in my area that use this style of learning. so glad I found this forum.

    jill smith

    Where would you start with History? How about sonlight? I’ve heard good things about them.Is anyone on here from Grand rapids, Mi?


    I think it would be easier to use the SCM modules for combining history. Your oldest would have more challenging books than the youngers. The Sonlight Cores are more geared to certain age ranges so you’d need multiple cores. However, if you use SCM Modules 1-3 they contain a lot of Bible and he’d need to do the 1st 3 modules for 1 history credit. But Modules 4 and 5 are worth 1/2 credit American and 1/2 credit World History each. Or you could have him do do something like Notgrass independently and just combine the younger crowd.

    I think it would be difficult to combine science since high schoolers need a lot more, and youngers could just do nature study/living books. Best wishes:) Gina


    I used Sonlight for many years and really appreciated their book selections, however when I began adding in more children at different levels it did become more difficult to continue with Sonlight, as Gina points out.  Currently, I’m homeschooling my youngest five children, ages 8-15 and the only subjects we can all do together are history, Bible and what I would call the fine arts subjects — poetry, artist and composer studies, some writing.  

    What time periods have you already covered for history?  Which ones do you want to make sure you cover before your oldest graduates?  

    jill smith

    we are finishing up with American History. World history seems so boring to me , maybe that’s because I hated it in school. Not sure where to start to be honest. I love the books on here and the Queens web site. I am just trying to switch over to Cm this next year. What do you do with a 5 year old and soon to be year old dd. I feel I am not raising them to be worldly but Godly young woman and it is a struggle to find curriculum to back this. Thanks for all the post.

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