Cool Resource-New to Me!

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  • LillyLou

    Guess I’m on a posting rampage today LOL!  

    I just wanted to pass along this cool resource I found today called Heritage History.  It features lots of e-books, mostly $1.99 (I’m buying Famous Men of Greece-YAY) as well as tons of maps by location AND date! I haven’t spent a lot of time going through it all, but wanted to just mention it here for others who are planning for next year. Here’s a link to the page with e-books



    They are cool – between this site and the Librivox site (free audio books) I figured that we were in great shape with history.   Now to buy us a reader…since I read way faster than the kids, I want us all to have our own!  LOL


    Yes, they are great.  I discovered them a couple of months ago.  And if you don’t have an ereader and are reading on the computer, you can read them for free…   plus you can view the various pictures from the book without going into the book too… so you can look for pictures of a particular person.


    Sheraz: I’ve wondered about readers.  In fact, I posted here about that a couple of weeks ago.  I think I’ve decided I’m a “physical” book nerd.  I think I’m going to buy a comb binder, or else just put books in binders.  That’s why I like Heritage History; when you buy an e-book, you actually get 3: two readables and a formatted PDF that you can print.  This way, if I do decide to get an electronic reader, I’ll already have the e-books ready to load!  

    Things like this give me a “thrill”, kinda like Matthew Cuthbert and “pickin’ up them ugly white grubs in the cucumber bed” LOL  

    So what kind of reader do you think you’d like to buy?  And thanks for the shared enthusiasmLaughing


    Suzukimom: Weirdest thing- when I responded to Sheraz, your post wasn’t here, and now it’s showing up as older than my post.  That’s kinda Twilight Zone to me “doodooodoodoo…”  Anyway, I was excited about the pictures too.  Do you use an electronic reader?  If so, which one?  And do you like it?

    Doug Smith

    I did a video a while back on Choosing an E-book Reader for Your Homeschool where I show some of the differences between a few of the major devices available. There are some additional readers that have come to market after the video was made but it’s still probably useful as an overview of the technologies and features available.


    Okay, LillyLou, you caught me!  Laughing  I too prefer the physical books which was one of the things that really appealed to me about the PDF’s; in which case I either get a three ring binder and store books on the same topic in there or break down and get a ProClick thingy, which presents it’s own unique storage problems.  (Like how to stand them up on a shelf to see what you are trying to find…I admit, I like to organize.)   So also from the Anne series – does this mean that we are kindred spirits about books?  Wink

    As for the readers…I have two kids reading the same stories at the same time (and I always want to read it, too) with a house with no more bookcase space.  I have shelves up every where I don’t think that will kill anyone, should it happen to fall.  LOL  Plus, I am not made of money, so in some cases, I can see the reader working out better.  The only thing is that I have two more kids coming up soon.  That would mean five ereaders. 

    I have to admit that price wise I am leaning toward the kindle.  I like the idea of the ipad though.  Really, I think we are all just getting spoiled having everything at our fingertips!  hahaha

    So who knows?  Suzukimom may convince me yet that its the way to go. Smile



    I have the Kindle and love it.  There are a few things that the physical book is better… but ok, here is the convincing…

    I have about 500 ebooks on my Kindle right now… and all of them (except the planning your CM education in PDF) was totally free.  I have many of our school books in my hands wherever we go.  I use MEP math, and I have the lesson plans on the Kindle so I don’t have to print up that book.  And as I have the one with 3G, I can access my google calendar for things like booking appointments etc, access to google maps (I’ve used it in the car once to find where I was going) and can check my emails, this board, and also access the organizer.)  The web access I mentioned isn’t the easiest to use (generally a bunch of cursering around)… but it works.

    Oh, other pluses…  automatic bookmarks, dictionary built in (just cursor to the word) – you can make notes and highlights.  I can change the font size for whatever works best (bigger for my kids…) – and also as my kids are young, they often point at the words… so for me I’m glad that it isn’t a touch screen interface.  It is super super light (even with the cover I have for it.)

    That said… I do like physical books too!


    I do love my kindle. Trouble is that I love, love, love physical books. And I am torn b/t letting our children use the kindle so much vs. stil having the book. Nothing thrills me more than seeing them curled up on the couch with a good book.

    The kindle though … is great for travel and curled up on the couch as well!


    Ah, yes, the infamous Choosing an E-book Reader for Your Homeschool video….it was very helpful, and I actually decided to download Kindle for PC to use while I am waiting for the needed wealth to purchase a Kindle.  It has been a nice tool to have for the freebie books I’ve been downloading from various sites.

    I am still just playing around with Kindle for PC, and I didn’t realize you could download the MEP math lesson plans to it.


    The MEP lesson plans are in PDF.  The Kindle supports PDF (I don’t think Kindle for PC does, as you would just use your regular pdf reader.)

    On the Kindle for MEP lesson plans, I have the Kindle rotate the screen so I can see the entire width, but it is still readable (without rotating I either have to live with very tiny print, OR I have to zoom, and then I can’t see the right-hand column without scrolling around – and it sometimes has important info)


    Thanks for sharing the link.  I also have kindle for pc with the free books.  I have looked at getting the $114 kindle, but I hesitate since I have not used the kindle for pc free books yet.  I prefer to have the paper book in hand.  But I did download the free sample book of Joan of Arc.  Does anyone know why the book titles are in red, green, and brown?


    Heritage History is great! 

    The books are color coded for reading level – red is advanced/high school level, brown is middle school, green is grammar school level.

    They are having a sale on their classical libraries through the end of June.  I can look up the coupon code if anyone is interested.


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