Charlotte Mason Friendly Paper Organizer

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  • Rebekahy

    Is there a way to get the imagebearer on my Kindle?  Oh the damage I could do… Kiss


    You can e-mail documents to yourself on your kindle. I did this with our church’s one year Bible reading schedule. I’m not 100% sure how this formatting will appear, but it can’t hurt to try.


    Rebekahy, you are BRILLIANT!!! I just tried e-mailing the planner forms to my kindle, and you can even adjust the screen orientation so you can view the landscape oriented pages in full screen. It works beautifully!


    Giving this a “bump”, Deanna:

    “Deanna thank you so much for sharing your forms. I do have some specific questions about the weekly schedule. What is meant by the categories “All-Weather Play”, “Home Blessing”, and “Prayer Pledge”? These are new to me, but they sound very interesting.”

    I have a questions too:

    Are the Term pages for advanced planning of work to be done during each week?

    If you use mobipocket creator you can convert your pdf to a .mobi file and then it is formatted for the Kindle.  I use this to convert all my pdf’s.  I even take a work doc and convert o pdf and then .mobi so I can put just about anything on my Kindle.

    Thank you so much for these resources.  I am so excited to look thru them.  Thanks


    Awesome ya’ll!! (Can you tell where I am from?)

    I have had this issue but have been too busy to stop and find out. After reading through this post, I am going to look at these suggestions for paper tracking.

    Thank ya’ll so much!!!!


    Ok didn’t have a lot of time to read through and follow this.  Can someone tell me the jist of which planners you liked and whY?  Also on ly have dial up and don’t have days to download things over and over.  Thanks


    LOL this got to be quite a long thread, didn’t it?  I am still putting in my vote for the Tanglewood Corebook.  This link will take you to a page with some samples as images, so I don’t think you have anything to download just to look.  And it is cheap – $5.25.

    I have used this on and off since we started homeschooling — when I need to get something down on paper.  And I also use the Tanglewood Nature Notebook, which is a different download.

    Check it out, it might serve your purposes.


    Oh, I really love this planner! I’m hoping I will finally be able to stick with this one and plan it ALL out for me to see and follow. As one of those people who has no self-control when on the computer, I know I need paper instead of an electronic form.

    Thanks SO much to Deanna for sharing this and thanks also to those of you who helped this all come about. Bless you guys!


    Gem – I finally checked out and got the Tanglewood version.  LOVE IT!!!  There are some brilliant ideas in there. =) Thanks for the link. 


    I tweaked the Tanglewood Corebook to come up with our personalized paper planners for this year. While I’ve loved the CMO, I need LESS time on my computer and I want to work on teaching my dd10 to manage her own schedule a bit more. I’ll try to share it soon, when I get a moment.



    missceegee Looking forward to seeing what you’ve come up with! 🙂


    Well, AngieG, we tried it and didn’t like it.Undecided We prefer checklists. Essentially, it is exactly like the Tanglewood one, but personalized for our subjects and such. I don’t want to post it as it’s so similar to the Tanglewood one, but if you want it, PM me your email and I’ll send it.

    I’m still trying to figure out what we like in a paper planner. 


    I hope you all find what you’re looking for. I myself print my planner at the beginning of the day and then I don’t have to look at the computer if I don’t want to look at it. At the end of the day I go back and mark off what we’ve done and anything left over is ready to print for a homework sheet for my dd. 

    I feel I have the best that is out there.  I have used the SCM Online Organizer since 2007. I truly believe it is the best organizer available no matter the cost. This has been money well spent for us and now my oldest dd also uses it at her house for her homeschool and she loves it too. I wish it had been there for us when we started 28 years ago.

    With regular paper planners I was always out of sync with the planner  even though I wrote the plan. With this planner I am always in sync because it moves with us. I realize this may not work for everyone but I’m just sayin that I tried those paper planners that you all are recommending and once I discovered SCM Online Organizer I knew this was it. I wish I hadn’t had to use them all before I discovered this one.


    Sue, I must admit that I agree. I have tried 3 different versions of a paper planner and I’ve not found any that I like like the CMO. I’ve used the CMO for at least 2 years and I just need to discipline myself to print it and turn off the computer until that night. In the amount of time that I’ve spent trying to make a planner that will work, I counld have easily input our resources and been on our way easy peasy again. Ugg. 

    Over the past two years with the CMO, I chose specific days for things and then we’d have some that would not get done regularly. I’m thinking of having everything show up everyday and then just closing those that I know we won’t get to. We could refer to our weekly chart to see how we’re doing. 

    Mea Culpa, I’m beat. I’m tired of making charts that don’t work as well as I’d like. Time to start entering my resources in again. 


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