Anybody else receive Thinking Love Journal yet?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Anybody else receive Thinking Love Journal yet?

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  • Betty Dickerson

    My husband left this morning for out of town this morning and I’m having a bad flare of chronic fatigue.  I dared to hope that the journal would arrive today, and it did!  Isn’t God merciful??  Just when I most needed a little cheering up, my journal arrived and it’s so pretty.  Great job, Sonya!! 

    It’s pretty weird that anyone could get excited and comforted from a journal/calendar, but we homeschoolers are special people!

    So how are you all going to use yours?




    Feel better Betty – relax and enjoy your new planner.  I don’t have one yet – but it looks wonderful.  Take Care – Linda


    I haven’t received mine yet. It should be here any day now! I’ve never used a SCM calendar before so I don’t know how I plan to use it yet. I also color code my hand written entries so I visually know see the type of appt. I may have.

    God bless!

    Jodie Apple

    I used the last two as personal/prayer type  journals.  It’s really neat to go back and read.  I can’t wait to get the new one as well!  The monthly “short lessons” and the quotes at the beginning of each week are like encouragement from an old friend. 



    Sonya Shafer

    I use mine as a praise journal. I try to write at least one thing that I’m thankful for in the daily section. That entry often reflects what was happening that day, so I end up with a record of events and an encouraging look at God’s goodness. 

    Just as a fun piece of trivia, the beautiful cover photo of A Thinking Love is of the Lake District in England, where Charlotte lived.Smile 


    The cover photo is so beautiful and peaceful. Thanks for sharing that little tid bit of trivia!

    There’s always been something about Charlotte Mason that I’ve cherished. It’s difficult to put into words. I guess ‘ve always seen her as a Titus 2 mentor with a motherly heart.

    Betty Dickerson

    The cover is very peaceful.  I’ve asked the Lord when He makes a new earth to give me the English countryside with some sheep. 

    That’s a great idea, Sonya of making it a prayer journal as well. 

    Catholic people talk about a “rule” or order to their day.  As a Protestant, I may not understand it completely, but I’d love to have a “rule” for my day that encourages me to be more loving.  A rule of love in my home.  So, this desire along with the title of the journal are just perfect for me. 

    I love it.



    Betty – In the small English village where I grew up, I used to ride my bike a few miles down the lane, to the rolling hills nearby and then walk along one of the many public footpaths that run through farmer’s fields – I had a favorite place I use to go to.  I had to walk about a mile along the footpath, then climb a small hillock – at the top was a solitary oak tree – I used to sit underneath it and read – the solitude was wondrous and the beauty out of this world.  We were friends with the farmer, so he did not mind me going there as he knew I would do no damage, normally you have to stay on the public footpath – but he made exceptions with people he knew.  His sheep would graze nearby and in the spring I was always within touching distance of the lambs.  Those are such happy memories and so I can easily relate to your desire – my mum always knew where to find me during the holidays!  I revisited the place a couple of years ago and sadly it is now not the same.  The farm closed and the land sold to developers – so now houses stand where I used to sit.  Still it is a memory I will always treasure and there are still thousands of sheep and lambs wandering in the shires in the fields, and there are still many public footpaths in the British countryside, so that is good.  Blessings Betty – I hope you are feeling better – Linda


    I just ordered mine and can’t wait to get it – yippie!Laughing

    Betty, I pray that the Lord gives you His rest & peace.

    Blessings, Heather


    The journal is so appealing from cover to content. Great job, Sonya!  Thank you all for sharing the way you use your journals!

    Betty, hope you feel better and have a blessed day enjoying your journal!

    Linda, what lovely memories! Yesterday I watched a DVD that was set in England, the beautiful countryside seems so peaceful…

    Pam H

    My journal arrived today.  It is gorgeous!  I almost hate to write in it. 


    I just received mine today also and I thought the same! Along with researching, I also enjoy transferring all of my old calendar entries to my new one!

    Betty Dickerson

    I just filled in my prayer requrests for the month of August and some appointments.  I’m going to also list my praises (that was a great idea!). 

    My husband has offered to give me an old Palm Pilot, but I can’t stand those things.  I need to physically write things down.  The process is part of the product for me.  Then to have something so pretty to write in–that’s icing on the cake.

    Off topic, but I have always dreamed of visiting the Lake District and Yorkshire, England on our 15th wedding anniversary which is in just a few days.  But, we’re up to our ears in moving to another home and packing and getting our house ready to sell.  There is a beauty and simplicity that just really ministers to me from what I’ve seen of there.  Of course, I had to get into Charlotte Mason philosophy! 

    I am doing a bit better.  Thank you for your well-wishes and prayers.



    Betty – glad to hear you are feeling a bit better.  Sorry that you cannot be in the Dales for your anniversary.  Happy anniversary by the way – Perhaps the above links will take you there in spirit until you can really go.  I spent a few happy holidays in Swaledale as a child, we were and are a family of keen walkers and the dales are perfect for that. 

    I do hope you get to go one day – the dales are wild, romantic and absolutely gorgeous, with a new and intriguing vista around every corner.

    Blessings,  Linda

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