What cursive curriculum do you recommend?


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  • anthdon

    I am starting to plan for this coming year, and I noticed that it is suggested to start cursive writing for my 8 yo/3rd grader. She would love to learn cursive–she taught herself her first name by watching her older brother. I used Handwriting w/o Tears for my son–it works for him. I personally think its to block style for me. I think my daughter would like something fancier. Do you have any suggestions?

    Also, since she will just be beginning cursive, I assume that the majority of her copywork would be in printing to make sure that she continues good penmenship habits–correct?

    Thanks in advance for your input and comments.


    Sonya Shafer

    The Zaner-Bloser style is very pretty and traditional. You can probably find a little book at a local Wal-Mart that has all the letters shown. That’s what I used to teach my first three girls.


    Thank you for your suggestion. I will check it out.



    My favorite is Pencil Pete. It is a little software program (cheap) that shows how to make all of the letters easily. My 5 yo ds is now using it, b/c I teach cursive from the beginning. 

    I’ve also used Cursive First with great success. Again, very inexpensive and reproducible.

    I like these better than the Zaner-Bloser simply because they give more direction as to how to form the letters. This may or may not be important to you as you’re starting w/ an 8 yo.




    I’m using the program StartWrite. This is a great program for copywork.  Has anyone else ever used it?  It has both cursive and regular fonts, and you can make up your own worksheets.  Also, it does have some already made up worksheets, including cursive ones.  My mother in law is using this with her 10 year old and they love it!

    I have Educational Fontwware. It is a little more ($50) but you can make almost any font with dots or outlines, cursive or print. I have used many fonts from it, but am currently using the Cursive First font with my four year old.

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