Using Language Well

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  • Amy3

    I just happen to notice Using Language Well is suggested to go with Spelling Wisdom. I think the website has been updated and I do not remember it being suggested to accompany Spelling Wisdom when I bought it. Will Spelling Wisdom work well on it’s own or do I really need to purchase Using Language Well also? Any advice is appreciated. I just started school today with my 3rd grader! Thanks! 🙂


    Alicia Hart

    ULW is a very recent addition to go along with SW.  SW can be used just fine as a stand alone.

    That said, I just started it with my 3rd grader as well  and am very grateful for the grammar and punctuation reminders.  ULW is definitely worth the few extra minutes per week in my opinion!  I wish I had had it with my older kids.


    Thanks for the review on Using Language Well. I may consider it. I also just read that dictation is not suggested until 10 yrs old. Something I had read before but forgot. My daughter is in 3rd and is 8. Do I wait to start Spelling Wisdom until at leat she is 9 and in 4th? Or do I use it as copywork now? I am using the Print to Cursive Proverbs and copywork in Apologia Science notebook. Maybe this is enough? I am so confused.


    My 3rd grader will be using Print to Cursive Proverbs and focusing on reading practice and some phonics.  She’ll probably start Spelling Wisdom next year for 4th grade.

    I also had previously purchased Spelling Wisdom and haven’t decided on ULW.  Currently I have the samples printed (for my older DC) and we’ll go through those before I make a decision.  My oldest would probably need the 3rd level anyway which isn’t out yet.


    Thanks HollyS. I am really considering waiting until 4th grade to do Spelling Wisdom now with ULW. I am just not sure what to do since it is recommended to start in 3rd grade, but not dictation until age 10. That just seems confusing to me. She has great handwriting, can read ok, but still really struggles with spelling. She hasn’t done much oral narration as this is our first year of CM and I want to really focus on that too. I am trying to understand transcription and want to see if she is doing that as she does her copywork. I just want to make sure this is enough for her this year if I wait on Spelling Wisdom:

    Print to Cursive Proverbs

    Copywork in Apologia Notebook

    New Friends/More New Friends (I feel she still needs more practice reading aloud to me as she is not that confident in reading aloud).


    If you use SW and ULW in 3rd grade the student will be doing transcription, using the SW passages, not dictation. Dictation does not start until the second 1/2 of ULW which would put the student into 4th grade, closer to the age of 10 to start dictation.


    Thanks Sarah2106. I did not notice this about when looking at the description/instructions of ULW or SW but went back and read about transcription in ULW. I really think I am going to go ahead and get it and try it with her this year as I think she is ready for it. If for some reason she isn’t doing well with it yet I will just hold off until 4th I guess. Glad you mentioned this! Thanks again! 🙂


    From the ULW information:
    Grades 3 and 4—Book 1 (Lessons 1–70 incorporate transcription; Lessons 71–140 make the transition to prepared dictation.)

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