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  • Becca

    Good Morning,
    I’m starting to feel like maybe I’m not doing enough. I know this comes up a lot. Last year I felt great about our choices but this year has been bumpy. Mostly because now I have a 2nd grader and a K that I’m teaching. I also have a 2 and 4 y/o. What would a typical day look like? We used to read a lot of books from the library but that is just not happening this year. So I’m feeling like we are just not doing as much.

    We are doing Reading for both kids

    I started spelling for my 2nd (I know not CM but he needed it bad)

    Copywork and cursive practice (2nd)

    MUS  (both)

    Copywork (learning letters K)

    Burgess Animal book (2 ch week)

    Beautiful Feet Books early American history books done CM style

    Bible, hymns,verse memory

    character , poetry, fables, art study, folk songs, pledge allegiance (loop)


    Is this enough? it feels very light. We also have logic games that the kids play. My husband thinks my son should be writing more but he really hates writing more than a sentence (2nd).

    any input is appreciated. I love CM but I’m just wondering if I’m ruining my kids. I see other homeschoolers writing book reports and doing so MUCH stuff.


    I think your day looks perfect. I wish I could go back and take it slower. I always succombed to the pressure to do more. The time you spend together doing life and snuggling up for books is worth far more than academics. There is plenty of time for writing. At that age many boys are allergic to pencils, I think letting him gradually work up to lengthier writing is best. There is nothing like tears and frustration to give a kid writing phobia (ask me how I know…) Enjoy the freedom of the younger years, it is so priceless.


    Thank you for the encouragement! It is hard to feel like your the only one taking it slow to enjoy your time. They love reading books with me but then I feel guilty for the lack of written work.


    It looks like a great day/schedule.

    My youngest is in 2nd grade amd his actual school work does not take long at all, add in family subjects and even then sometimes it can seem like not enough, but it is! 🙂 He only writes about one line/day because that is all he can do putting for best effort at this time. 2nd grade is still quite young and for some writing is difficult. My older son has always had strong fine motor skills, my daughter and younger son just needed more time to work on it.

    School happens not just doing school. My 2nd grader plays strategy board games all the time, he loves them (ticket to ride, catan…) so while not actual “school” those games teach a lot. Playing outside leads to all sorts of learning opportunities, playing pretend with his siblings… these are all learning and growing educational opportunities.

    Don’t feel pressure to do more busy work just to do more. There is plenty of time to do more and each year more is done, but education is life long not crammed into 12 years of school. 🙂


    To ease your mind, I suggest 2 books:

    Better Late Than Early  AND

    The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook

    both by Dr. Raymond & Dorothy Moore

    Excellent reads and information.


    Thanks! I just ordered the Successful Homeschool Family Handbook. I think I will read it over our Christmas break.

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