Thanksgiving Crafts?

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  • amypinva

    This is my first year homeschooling my dd, age 9. So far we seem to be easing into the CM style fairly well (I’d been reading up on it for about two years before I took the plunge!). There are some things she misses from school and one of them is “arts and crafts.” We’ve been reading about the Pilgrims in history and I’d love to find a worthwhile Thanksgiving craft she could work on. Does anyone have any ideas or a great website to point me to? I love this forum and I’m so thankful for the wisdom and encouragement I’ve found here!


    I’m not sure if this is what you are looking for, but my dd8 and ds9 are working on a Thankful Friend Craft:


    I believe we did parts of this unit study last Thanksgiving with my then 8 and 10 year olds.  They especially loved the lapbook.  In fact, they recently found it and asked to do more like it, so we are in the process of putting one together now on Civil War.  They love these hands on kinds of things, and unfortunately we don’t do very often.



    We’ve done several of their holiday crafts and enjoyed.

    Participant is a great place for art ideas.  She has many suggestions for fall.


    Thank you all for the great suggestions! I’m off to Hobby Lobby. : )


    For Thanksgiving we are working on the poem ” the Landing of the Pilgrims”, to recite that day.
    We also made homemade cider from wild apples and froze a gallon for our special day and at 4-H we made table runners from cloth napkins we had found at a summer rummage sale. The center of the runners the kids traced dried leaves on their napkins, acrylic painted them on and bordered them with puff paint and then wrote something in the middle of that. My dd 10 wrote “Give Thanks” in cursive with a marker and then went over it with puff paint. The runner will be made up of 4-6 cloth napkins, depending of the size. After the center is dry, they will use a sewing machine to stitch on the others. They also could be hand stitched on if no machine is available.

    To make the cider, we used a clean wood chipper, 5 gallons of apples, a clean grain bag that was washed in my washer with no soap and another clean gallon bucket. Chip the apples into the bucket dump them in the bag holding it over the other clean bucket as the juice will come through the mesh, squeeze contents of bag. We got 1 gallon of cider for 5 gallons wild apples, then drain cider through cheesecloth. Freeze immediately or drink. Refrigerate, will get worky by day 3 or leave on counter and by day 5 it’s vinegar! Martha


    One thing we really enjoy, and it goes back to our Five in a Row days, is to read Cranberry Thanksgiving and make the cranberry bread recipe in the book.

    We also like to make a thanksgiving tree, where we make a construction paper tree with something we are thankful for on each leaf cut-out.

    Another year we make a garland with fall colored pony beads and felt leaves.  Each child made a section of it, then we combined them together for a long garland to drape along our fireplace.  I found the instructions on the Wee Folk Art blog.

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