Teaching Reading… Help!

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  • Marideth

    I am homeschooling DD age 7 and DS age 8 this year. DD is becoming a fluent reader as reading seems to come more naturally to her. DS however is not progressing the way I would love to see him progress. From what I understand about CM, she didn’t drill phonics and focused on children learning words by what they look like. We go over the foreign words before his reading lesson, but I’m wondering how to help him when he comes to a word he doesn’t remember/know. I can show and tell the word to him that is repeated several times on the page and he’ll come across it a sentence later and not be able to read it. I read How to Teach a Child to Read Using Children’s Books, and in there it says to NOT tell your child what the word is, but to have them figure it out by themselves. How would CM approach this? Do I have him sound it out? Do I tell him the word after a few tries? He tends to get frustrated easily if it takes him to long to figure the word out and if I wait to long to tell him what it says. FYI he does know letter sounds and most phonograms. I have a ton of anxiety about his reading. What would you do?

    Sonya Shafer

    Marideth, you might want to try some of Charlotte Mason’s reading lessons with him. They are a combination of sight-reading and word-building, which reinforces the phonograms. Here is an explanation of how that would look. I think the mixture of looking, saying, and creating his own sentences with the words (word cards) may help him feel more at home with those new ones. Feel free to follow the same steps in the lesson using a passage from one of the books he is reading.

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