Spring Fever

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  • SteffanieG

    Help, we have a major case of spring fever and are struggling to do ANY book work. It’s not just the kids either! 😉 Does any one have any suggestions? I know that I have got to learn to be a bit more flexible. I like to get all of our work done before we have fun, but I think that could be the cause of our ‘fever’! I’m willing to let the kids take the day off to clean, but I can’t seem to take the time for play. Not that they don’t have time to go outside and breath fresh air, it’s just doesn’t happen as often as it should.

    We don’t ‘school’ all year. I know they are continually learning,so we just chuck the books for the summer. It is a break we look forward to. Anyway, any suggestions you guys have to make these last 10 weeks of school easier and more enjoyable would be greatly appreciated!!



    Nope, Steffanie, you’ve just got to grin and bear it! Just kidding, but I know what you mean! I have often said that we do not take Snow Days off so that we can take ‘Sun Days’ off. Sometimes you just have to say, “Let’s go!”

    Here are a few ideas: You might try offering something periodically like, “After we do this we’ll do this…” Weather permitting, we like to take the books outside. Having a picnic lunch helps revive us. Asking the children, “How can you justify going outside for school right now rather than opening the text book?” really challenges them to think and be creative. You may find that you are able to replace a chapter in a book with an outside activity. Science projects, history fieldtrips, even math can be done with manipulatives from outside. Rainy days, we really buckle down. Sometimes just a change to the schedule in any way is refreshing.




    You just HAVE to take some of the nice days and get outside. Don’t feel guilty–I know I often “pressure” myself that I “ought” to really stick to it and get those books finished–but after a long winter, I think we desperately need sunshine and fresh air. Go out! Shorten a few things some days so you can get outside. Really take time to focus on nature study. Take a few field trips. Take the books OUTSIDE! You’ll be able to concentrate all the better for it. Really. I know it seems paradoxical. But it’s for the same reason you can concentrate better on math when you’ve just done something . . . ELSE before, like sing or something. So there. Set some goals, and try and stick to those, and then you have Official Permission to Go Outside! Go already! LOL

    I’m so glad to actually be able to POST after all the hard work that was done to solve the computer glitches! Thanks SCM!

    Michelle D


    Thanks for the ideas, and the permission to have fun! 🙂 We are going to take all of the advice and go outside and enjoy some nice weather!!

    Thanks and Lord Bless,


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