Spanish for You!

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  • Sara B.

    OK, so has anyone used this one?  It seems to be getting rave reviews, and bonus, it is NOT aligned to Common Core (again, this is important to our family).  I wish it had samples on their website, but I did see some pics from blog reviews.  It looks good, people seem to love it…  Now have any CMers used it and loved it, too?


    I haven’t used that – but we’ve had the best success with Spanish in 10 minutes a day – available for free from our library and at a very reasonable cost if you decide to purchase it.

    Katrina in AK

    Sara, have you looked at The Easy Spanish thread today? Sonya posted some hopeful news there…

    Sara B.

    I did, Katrina, but so far it is only the book, I believe.  I really, really need the audio with it.  LOL

    Rebekahy, I will look into that one, as well.  Thanks!


    Bumping for you as I’m looking for something, too.

    Sara B.

    Bumping this one more time.  Hopefully someone has used or knows someone who has used Spanish for You!

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