Quick query: Famous Men of …. Series — are these used in SCM history? At a book sale right now.

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  • I’m at a book sale and someone has the Greenleaf Famous Men series… guides too, but all sold separately. I really am trying NOT to buy stuff (so why am I here??), but do I want/need these if I am trying to follow SCMs history modules (and Sheraz’s tweaks)?

    I do use HH materials too, so maybe they are on the CDs? Looking for a quick reply — thanks!!

    Jordan Smith

    The current editions of Modules 2 and 3 use Famous Men of Greece and Famous Men of Rome, respectively, but the upcoming revised editions replace those books with The Story of the Greeks and The Story of the Romans.

    Module 4 uses Famous Men of the Middle Ages and Famouns Men of the Renaissance and Reformation.


    They are on the HH CD-Roms. =)


    I’m missing info. What is HH and which books are on it?


    TailorMade–HH is Heritage History and several of the Famous Men of… books are on the CD-rom


    @TailorMade (& others who are newer to this forum):

    This might be a good time to remind everyone about the list of abbreviations commonly used on the SCM forum. You can access the list here: SCM Forum Abbreviations.

    If you find that we are using abbreviations that are not currently on the list (as is the case with “HH” for Heritage History….hint, hint, Jordan), you can post a message under the Tech Support & Site Help heading, or use the Contact Us form to notify the techie folks about adding an abbreviation.


    I am looking closer at these sets and I see that both have Story of the Greeks and Story of the Romans but HH also has many other Story of… by H Guerber. So my question is about the differences and changes made to the new edited and updated versions in print today. Are the old originals just as good as the new editions or is it worth it to buy the new ones?

    The Famous Men of… books I have are by Greenleaf Press. Are these different/better than those at YC and HH?

    I would love to make more space by having the ebooks instead but I don’t want to sacrifice quality or updates or illustrations. Also I fear I would forget to use the ebooks since they are out of sight (out of mind). Is this a real problem?


    @Wingstofly – if you are getting har copies of the Famous Men series, I really like the Memoria Press version. They are full color with great pictures. The Greenleaf Press ones that I have had do not have the illustrations and nicer layout. As far as I could tell, they have changed a few words here or there, but the stories are very similar.

    I also have the ebooks which are the original from the public domain, and they are fine. The Librivox audio versions that I have listened to are also the originals as far as I can tell. 

    As for the Guerber’s The Story of books: those are the ones in the public domain. They are fine as ebooks, although you may update a couple of things in the first few chapters at the beginning. Christine Miller of Nothing New Press has updated a few chapters and added a few maps. Heritage History has added a study guide, maps, and timelines in their collection, and YC is just the story.  You can look at samples of each online and see which one you prefer. Sonya’s new History Modules are based on the Nothing New Press versions, although it is very simple to read which ever version you have.

    As for the ebooks being forgotten: I don’t have a problem forgetting the books –  I have printed out the list of each set of books (with their summaries) I have bought, and grouped them in a binder under the same subjects so I can cross-reference. I also do this for our hard copies so that I can locate them all when it is time to study that time period.  When I am planning, I drag all that out to peruse and decide on family books, assigned individual read books, and free read books. It’s not a perfect system, but it is working for now. 😉



    Thank you for the quick replies! I decided to skip the purchase while at the sale after seeing what you guys had to say. 

    Also, I’ve decided that I want sheraz to come to my house and organize my homeschool. Just sayin’….


    Lady in pinkLaughing, I would love that too!!


    I’ll come on condition that you swap time mopping my floors!! LOL =)

    SOLD!! I would totally do that! Not that I like mopping floors, but that’s how difficult the organizing & planning is for me now. Actually I used to be quite good at it. But it’s almost like having SO MANY great resources has made things harder for me. It was easier when I had fewer great options.

    Now please point me in the direction of your floors….

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