Pictures for Daily Lessons & 2 More ?

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  • Tiffany

    Would it be possible to have the pictures assigned to resources show up on the Daily Plan? That would be helpful for us visual people.

    Second, is there a way I can collapse a whole subject or person? If I have several resources  under Bible (because I may choose from any of them on any given day) and then I do the ones for that day, I would like to be able to collapse the whole Bible section and not see it. As it is now I have to collapse each resource. That isn’t as much of a problem on a computer but on my phone it is a big hassle and I have to click on it more than once to get it collapse.

    Third, I can’t seem to sign into the organizer on my iPad (this is a new problem). When I click on account in the top right corner it won’t do anything. I’ve tried closing out safari and the tab.


    Thank you!

    Jordan Smith

    We do have the idea of putting the pictures for each resource on the Daily Plan on our wish list of features to explore adding in the future. No timeline for adding it, though.

    You can hide an entire subject or student by using the filters at the top of the Daily Plan. Uncheck the box for the subject or student that you want to hide and everything in that category will be hidden.

    Would you be able to contact us directly by emailing for help with the iPad problem? I’ll need to get some details on your iPad that would be better done privately. Thanks!

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