Persistant Requests

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  • dmccall3

    My DS3 has gotten to where he asks for the same thing over and over after I’ve said no. He’s sooo persistant! It has just dawned on me that I’m crazily saying no a million times and that can’t be the best way to handle this. He is my first child so every new behavior or phase provides a challenge and learning curve for me.

    Should I just ignore him after I’ve said no once? For example he’s in his bed right now asking for the same thing over and over. I’ve said no. Do I just wait him out and be just as persistant with my silence making his multiple requests something that doesn’t work in hopes that he stops?

    He doesn’t whine. He asks nicely but the repitition of the same request is just as bad. The other day he said, “If you let me have it, it’ll help me calm down.” hmmmm…

    What to do?


    You are being tested. I would discipline him consistently in the manner you and your husband have decided upon. Get it now, because when he is older the “nicely” asked request becomes back talk. Definitely not where you want to be in six or so years. Frown


    I agree.

    With my kids, on the second request I will say “we have already discussed this and the answer is ‘no’.  I will not discuss it further”.  Then I ignore them.  (mind you, I’m not totally consistant… sigh)

    Also watch… as they get older, they will try the “ask the other parent” trick…

    In your example, you said he is in bed….  with that, he may also just be trying to get attention, so any further talking to him is giving him something he wants….


    I have a three year old son who is doing the exact same thing!  It took me a while to realize what he was doing, but now I say to him after the second time “I said No, and No means No.” and then I ignore him.  This is sometimes hard to do as he interrupts as I’m talking to one of the other children.  I etiher make him leave the room (and sometimes stand in the corner) or put his hand over his mouth for interrupting.  Usually by the time I let him take his hand down, he has forgotten what he was asking for.



    Next Scripture Memory verse: Matthew 5:37

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