Math Questions

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  • odikens

    Hey everyone. I know there has been a lot of discussion on Math here before but I am just stumped. My children have been doing MUS forever now and they have done well with it but we are in our sixth year and they are starting to get bored. My son is 12 and has done through Epsilon and is begging me not to make him do Zeta. He has also done The Pet Shop and The Sports Stores and loved them. He is working now through the Life of Fred Fractions book and likes it but I’m concerned that this is not thorough enough to use alone. 

    Any suggestions?

    I also have a daughter in about third grade who would like to try something more challenging. Has anyone made the transition from MUS to something else successfully in the 3rd grade?




    Hi Melody,

    We haven’t used MUS but thought you might find the following helpful because it’s free. 

    I started my ds8 (in 3rd grade Australia) in MEP which he likes (as much as an active boy can!). We haven’t used anything else. It’s free so you could always run off some practice sheets & lesson plans at what ever level your at and just have a go and see?

    It’s spiral (lots of variety) by design but very hands on, just needs tweaking for HS (because it was written for classroom). They have yr 3 online interactive as well as sheetwork and you just choose what suits you, or both. It seems ahead of other programmes we’ve looked at and quite challenging, but judge for yourself, it’s worth a look anyhow.

    Take care and best wishes finding your new perfect fit, blessings,





    To add with what Renelle said (we also use MEP), I would check out the scope/sequence for the year you are looking at.  See if it would fit.  I’ve been told by many on the yahoo board that you may have to go back a year to start with MEP.  We did that, I began both my boys at YR1.  Which we have flown through this year.  Most of it has been easy for them, for example it has them just starting with addition/subraction of numbers 1-20.  My boys were already way past that.  But other areas were new for them.  So some days we done 3-4 lessons (yes in a day, they love this math program), which still only took us about 25 minutes.  Other days we only did 1 lesson, when it was something they were less certain of. 

    My point… lol  Read the scope/sequence of each year and then you will better know where to put your child.  Oh and definately sign up for the Yahoo board.  It’s been a huge help!


    Yup – I agree with it all.  We LOVE MEP.  It’ll keep your kids thinking, and mine always want to know when it is time for math.

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