Language arts

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  • Reese23


    I have a son who is going into second grade. I am planning on using Language Lessons for Today with him. Is this enough for language arts?  If not, what else should I add?  He will be reading to me from easy readers everyday as well. Thanks for the help!


    For 2nd grade language arts my children do oral narration, copy work/penmanship, and continue with easy readers. So far so good 🙂

    So yes, he is doing plenty!!


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Ok great. I feel much better. Do you use cooywork everyday?</p>


    Yes, but I gauge it on the child. I have one that could write easily a long sentence or few lines, at the start of 2nd, another child that I limited to just a few words and increased as his dexterity and abilities increased.

    Somerthing I am always reminding myself is that there is no rush 🙂

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