Keep It Simple AND CM Organizer ???

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  • Jamie

    Like most of you this summer, I am in the process of planning out our school year.  I was wondering if you ladies thought it was necessary to use the Keep it Simple lesson plans AND have a subscription to the online organizer?

    Did the Simply CM team intend on families using both?


    Sonya Shafer

    I like both. Obviously, the Keep It Simple lesson plans will give you all the details of what pages to read, what things to review, exam questions, etc. That kind of detail isn’t usually in the CM Organizer. But as far as using them together, I look at it this way: the planning guides outline what I intend to do throughout the year; the CM Organizer keeps track of where I am in those plans. If life happens and we don’t get to something, the CMO can easily fluctuate and adjust the plans as we go along. You might be able to do the same kind of reorganizing by making pencil notes in the lesson plan books. I’ve been using the CM Organizer for 10 years and have grown to depend on the instant flexibility it gives me.

    Of course, you can do CM without using either. It’s just a matter of what will be the best fit for you and help you the most. 🙂


    Thank you!!

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