Hi! I am so excited to start SCM! I have two daughters ages 8 & 6 and a son age 3. I have homeschooled from the beginning. I have always leaned toward CM methods. However, this is my first year to follow it as closely as I possibly can (using SCM ). This is the first time I am comfortable enough with myself, to do it.
I already bought Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt, Module 1. My question is, will the spines (Oxford First Ancient History, Pyramid, & The Mystery of the Hieroglyphs) be too much for an 8 & 6 yr. old? If so, what can I substitute with? I would also like to know, what ages Famous Men of Greece in Module 2 is most geared toward?
Thank you so much for your help, and thank you so much for this sight.
I haven’t used Module 1 yet, as we were using AO & HIFI before I thankfully found SCM. However, I have used Oxford First Ancient History w/ SCM module 3 this year with my 9, 6, almost 3 year old. I have also used Famous Men of Rome (same author as FMG) with my kids. Pyramid is great, even just to look at. The other book you mentioned, Mystery of Hieroglyphs, I am unfamiliar with.
I will be using Module 1 next year w/ mine, ds6 and dd almost 5. I plan on using all those spines with them, and I have looked over all the needed resources already. My dd can listen along as she pleases, but I know my ds can handle it. I’m sure your 9yo will be fine with all the books. If you’re questioning the amount with the 6yo, allow him/her to listen along and just see how much he picks up! You may see that he’s totally able to keep up with the resources.