Intro and a Few Questions

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  • coralloyd

    Hi! I am so excited to start SCM! I have two daughters ages 8 & 6 and a son age 3. I have homeschooled  from the beginning. I have always leaned toward CM methods. However, this is my first year to follow  it as closely as I possibly can (using SCM Wink). This is the first time I am comfortable enough with myself, to do it.

    I already bought Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt, Module 1. My question is, will the spines (Oxford First Ancient History, Pyramid, & The Mystery of the Hieroglyphs) be too much for an 8 & 6 yr. old? If so, what can I substitute with? I would also like to know, what ages Famous Men of Greece in Module 2 is most geared toward?

    Thank you so much for your help, and thank you so much for this sight. 


    I haven’t used Module 1 yet, as we were using AO & HIFI before I thankfully found SCM. However, I have used Oxford First Ancient History w/ SCM module 3 this year with my 9, 6, almost 3 year old. I have also used Famous Men of Rome (same author as FMG) with my kids. Pyramid is great, even just to look at. The other book you mentioned, Mystery of Hieroglyphs, I am unfamiliar with. 




    I will be using Module 1 next year w/ mine, ds6 and dd almost 5. I plan on using all those spines with them, and I have looked over all the needed resources already. My dd can listen along as she pleases, but I know my ds can handle it. I’m sure your 9yo will be fine with all the books. If you’re questioning the amount with the 6yo, allow him/her to listen along and just see how much he picks up! You may see that he’s totally able to keep up with the resources.




    Thank you so much for the replies. I will go ahead and use the books suggested. I am sure I will have many more questions as time goes on.

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