Homeschooling in South Carolina

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  • Grace

    my husband just applied for a job in South Carolina. I am wondering what homeschooling is like there. I looked at the hslda website and I would choose option 3 and find a Homeschool Group that would hopefully allow me not to test my children. I am wondering if there are any South Carolina homeschoolers on this forum that would feel free to share how homeschooling has been for them and what rules they follow. Thanks



    I can answer this one! We moved from GA to SC last year and it has been mostly uneventful. I do option 3 with TSCHAA. It has minimal cost per year. I am required to teach 180 days (and keep track, so I have a weekly record sheet), complete a mid-year evaluation and end-of-year eval (neither of which get submitted anywhere). Oh yeah, and I also have to teach math, reading, writing, science and social studies (plus 2 other things once they get to 7th? I’m not there yet).

    Coming from GA, it is definitely more than I was required to do there, but the plus of SC is no standardized testing requirements. Let me know what other questions you have!


    Thank you! That is very helpful.


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Mama nickles,</p>
    Would it be ok if I email you and ask you a few questions?


    Foreternity3 at gmail dot com


    Sure, Grace, I will send you an email and you can write back. 🙂

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