Homeschool Graduates: What do you do?

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  • ErinD

    I have a rising senior, my oldest, and I am starting to think about all sorts of graduation things. This will obviously depend on what he wants, but I’m curious about what others do. Do you do grad photos with the cap and gown? Get a diploma made? Have some sort of celebration? Buy any grad paraphernalia like rings or sweaters?


    I think it just depends on the student.

    I was homeschooled growing up, as were my siblings. One of my sisters did get a class ring, but the rest of us did not care for one but my parents offered a lot of the same options public school kids had.

    We all did graduation announcements and had graduation parties that everyone was invited to. We also had diplomas that my mom had made through HSLDA for us. We also did senior pictures, but not cap and gown pictures. We did not do ceremonies, but that was also when there were not too many of us hommeschoolers.

    This past spring I went to a graduation ceremony for a homeschool graduate and it was so nice. It was at her church and she planned pretty much all of it on her own. She and her family are musical so she sang, her sister and mom played some music, she invited a pastor to give a short commencement address, her parents handed her her diploma, she had a cap and gown. It was all really nice, my oldest really liked it and said she hopes to do something similar. Then everyone stayed for a simple lunch.

    In our area there are options to do group graduation ceremonies through coops and our state group.

    My advice is do something, even of it is just inviting friends over to celebrate. I was the youngest and the year I graduated highschool one of my sisters graduated college. My graduation was more on the back burner, which I understood as college graduation is also great to celebrate, but I did miss out on some of the “fan fare” that my siblings received. It was not bad, but I did miss it a bit.

    Graduation is so fun to celebrate!


    My oldest graduated in 2018. We took senior photos and made announcements for the ceremony. She joined about 40 other local homeschoolers for a very personalized ceremony where the kids purchased caps/gowns. Afterwards we had a low-key dinner per her request.

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