History timeline

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  • Misty

    I am wanting to do timelines with my 2-5th grade students and wondering if any of you could let me know the best place to get timelines? I think it would be good to have something visual like that on display!

    Thanks for your help



    Are you wanting timline figures, or the lines themselves? Do you want a book timeline or a wall timeline?

    We use book timelines, that I made myself, and we use the wonderful CD set of timeline figures from http://www.homeschoolinthewoods.com

    Michelle D


    I DON’T KNOW!! This is the 1st time we will be doing it. I guess I’d like something I can add to as we go.. maybe something partialy done that we just add the times as we do them… book would be best it would drive me nuts to have it hanging on my walls! Does that help?

    Will this Through the Ages fit this bill? What would I have to do more? And has anyone seen http://www.addacentury.com?





    Homeschool in the Woods offers timeline figures — pictures and text– that you use on whatever timeline you want (wall or notebook).

    The complete CD set is expensive (about $75), but a good investment since it can be used for notebooking, lapbooking, or other printed projects besides just a timeline.

    Visit this Timeline page for info about how to make or buy a notebook timeline. We’re using the notebook timeline from Winter Promise. It’s quite nice.


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