Growing With Grammar???


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  • Ashley

    I have been looking around at a few different grammar curriculum and I came across one called Growing With Grammar.  I wanted to know if anyone has used this program and if it is a solid curriculum?  I know this curriculum isn’t Charlotte Mason style but it looked as if the lessons were pretty short and I like that it gives practice pages for the children to work on.  I am not a fan of “busy work” but I do like my kids to be able to practice new concepts.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for a good grammar program that is more in line with Charlotte Mason’s way of teaching and is actually a solid curriculum?

    Rachel White

    I am on our second year of of using GWG and am very pleased with it. It meets our needs. My dd has used Levels 2-5; my son Level 6. I will have them use it to the last level then move to Our Mother Tongue.

    It isn’t busy work; it is continual review, which grammar needs, IMO and experience.

    Per CM, I wouldn’t begin it until at least age 10.



    I agree with Rachel’s post above.  GWG isn’t busy work, but a spiral approach and continual review, teaching at a higher level each year.    Lessons are short, so that is definitely in keeping with CM.  Others might find the workbook approach and the use of “workbook sentences” to be off-putting when compared to other programs, particularly CM programs, but my boys really needed the practice when it came to grammar so I don’t regret our grammar approach whatsoever.    In the end we used both GWG and R&S… I thought I would HATE R&S, but actually liked it better than GWG because the R&S teacher textbook is set up so that teacher can do a LOT orally.  GWG was great, but kept me a little TOO hands-off.   In short, GWG is strong, but for us R&S was  even better.

    Agree also with Rachel on holding off on grammar until age 10…

    Paula Spicer

    We like it.  We started it last year.  My 12 year just started book 6 and my 10 year old will be starting book 4 next week.  It’s pretty open and go.  I would advise buying the lesson books (beginning with book 5), only because I don’t remember much grammar from school and it gives the kids some independence with their work.  They were able to complete two books last year, because it is short and to the point, and also they are mentally ready now, as opposed to starting it early.  There is a lot of diagramming and we bought the diagramming book for my older one  as extra practice.  it helped a lot also.



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