Entering Assignments from past days


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  • jmsuhr


    Due to health complications and then also, later, to my computer crashing, I have been unable to enter my kids’ daily schedules into the organizer (meaning that their curriculum is entered in but I was unable to check off what we did each day).

    Is there a way to go back into the system and add days and input the curriculum? I ended up keeping track of their information on my paper organizer here at home but I would like to add it on the CM organizer for convenience.



    Jordan Smith

    Yes, you can mark off work done on previous days. On the Daily Plan, you should see a Today checkbox. Across from that on the right, there’s a calendar icon. Click on that to bring up the backdating options.

    If you don’t see the resource you’re looking for because it’s not scheduled for today, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the Daily Plan and click on “Show resources not scheduled for today” to see everything that’s active but not assigned to today.


    Has this changed? I do not see a Today checkbox or a calendar icon.

    Edit: I have found the icon! I was looking on the weekend and there was no assignments for that day.

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