Encouraging & Beautiful Article

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  • Hope

    I don’t post on here much, but read when I can, but as soon I read this article I wanted to share with you all here.  I know many of you follow Ann Voskamp’s blog and so you have maybe already read this.  She has a wonderful post answering some questions about homeschooling and even has a little plug for the SCM organizer.

    The following portion really stood at to me,

    Ultimately, for us, a quality education focuses on commitment, of both the learner and the teacher. A commitment by both parties to authenticity, joy, curiosity, and consistency. These elements of an education then translate into necessary, future life-skills

    For us that means living:

    Live your life. Invite your children to join you! Read together. Pray together. Sing together. Work, bake, garden, chore, clean, sew, fix, build together. Don’t fabricate artificial demarcation lines between schooling and living. Live a one-piece life. Live holistically.

    Explore! Be awed by His World! Restore Wonder! Be a creative, thinking, exuberant person who spills with the joy of learning. Your zest for learning and life will be contagious–the children will catch it!

    Read, read, read. Fill the house with library books. Play classical music. Post the art of the masters about the house. Go for walks in the woods. Learn a new language, a new culture, a new poem. Everyday set out to discover again, and again, and again. The whole earth is full of His glory! Go seek His face…

    Consistently pray. Consistently read. Consistently keep the routine. Consistently live an everyday liturgy.

    Children thrive in routine. So do households. Have hardstops: times that you fully stop to pray, to read, to write. Regardless of what isn’t done, what isn’t finished. Make a full stop, do the needful thing, then return to meals, laundry, household management.
    Consistently be consistent.

    That’s all. The curriculum doesn’t really matter, so much. Use what works for you, how He leads you.

    If I set up the link correctly, the full article, which is well worth reading, is here,



    Hope I read this with interest when Ann posted it originally and enjoyed. Thanks for sharing again.


    Love her blog. Thanks for posting the article!


    I’ve been away from here more than I’d like, but came on today and was very encouraged by this article – excellent reminder! Thanks for posting, Hope. God Bless ~ Heather


    That was just what I needed to hear today, Hope!  Thank you so very much for the blessing.  I am looking forward to reading the blog post after school is done for today.

    Thank you for your generous spirit!


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