Charlotte Mason & Waldorf

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  • 2Corin57

    Can anyone elaborate a bit more on the difference between the two methods? It seems as though there is a lot of overlap. Do any of you somewhat combine the two? The focus on rhythm (seasonal, daily etc…), nature, natural materials and handicrafts really appeal to me. It seems as though they follow somewhat of a similar scope/sequence with regards to LA and Math (delayed compared to traditional approaches, more focus on the basic 4 processes before getting into heavier abstract stuff).


    It’s been a while but I did a blog post on Waldorf education from my CMish point of view:

    if you look around on my blog I also have a quiz on homeschooling styles  which could help. Look at the answers and find where cm and Waldorf appear and compare them. Sorry  I’m traveling and on my phone so it’s hard to post links.


    Definitely the spiritual aspect of Waldorf throws me off a bit.  I don’t buy into anthroposophy.  I guess you can kind of leave that out though.

    I think a lot of Waldorf aspects are great for young children though, such as getting into a rhythm and giving the children something good to imitate as you sing and work your way through the day.  Letting children play, and encouraging their imagination, while delaying formal academics are very compatible with CM style education.

    I’m just leary of the spiritual aspects.


    Yes, the spiritual side of things I definitely don’t “buy” into. I’m sorry, I think there’s more to academic readiness than losing your teeth 🙂


    Though I do agree with the stages of learning.

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