Books and Misc. For Sale


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  • pjssully

    I have a lot of books and things FOR SALE and just trying to clean up my house. The list is below. Shipping is NOT included but I will pay for 1/2 of the shipping if you buy more than 3 items. I would prefer that you email me off the discussion board so we don’t clog this place up!! LOL

    Vocabulary from Classical Roots:
    Teacher’s Guide and Answer key Level B $4.00, Student Level B workbook- $4.00
    Student Book Level C and Answer Key $4.00
    Level 4, 2 pages erased . $2.00

    Essential Literary Terms: A brief Norton guide, Sharon Hamilton $3.00
    Calliope: The Black Death, $2.00
    Shades of Grey, Reeder, $2.00
    Shadow Spinner, Fletcher, $2.00
    John Grisham book for kids “Theodore Boone, Kid Lawyer”. $2.00
    The Great Gatsby, $.3.00
    The Invisible Friend, $2.00
    Against His Will, Betsy Castleberry $2.00
    Stowaway Karen Hesse $2.00
    Ordinary Genius: The Story of Albert Einstein, McPherson $2.50
    Life on the Edge, James Dobson, $3.00
    Along Came Galileo, Jeanne Bendick $2.50
    Mustang Wild Spirit of The West, Marguerite Henry $2.00
    The Invisible Friend (Viking Quest book 3) Lois Johnson, $2.00
    Catherine, Called Birdy, Cushman (cover worn)$1.00
    Blue Jasmine Kashmira Sheth (X-library)$1.00
    Out of the Dust Karen Hesse $3.00
    Mathematicians Are People Too, Reimer $2.00
    101 Great American Poems-Dover $1.50
    Alexander Graham Bell: Always Inventing, Matthews $2.00

    DK History of the World 1994 edition, $1.50
    DK Smithsonian Children’s Encyclopedia of American History, 2003 NEW $8.00
    The Usborne Internet Linked Encyclopedia of World History, 2000 Edition, Binding was taped, $4.00
    The Light and the Glory, Peter Marshall, David Manuel, $2.00
    The Story of Liberty Study Guide, $2.00
    The Hallelujah Lass, Wendy Lawton (cover worn) $1.00
    Immigrant Kids Russell Freedom $3.00
    Critical Thinking in U.S. History: Colonies To Constitutions (Critical Thinking Company) Disc 1 $3.00
    Mapping the World by Heart (Just the Disc) $8.00
    Western Civilization Combined Volume, Jack Spielvogel 6th Edition, $5.00 )Comes with Student Study guide)
    Thomas Paine: Collected Writings: Common Sense/The Critics Rights of Man/ The Age of Reason$4 The Yanks Are Coming, albert Marrin, $3.00
    Captive Warriors: A Vietnam POW’s Story, Sam Johnson (NEW) $4.00
    American’s History Vol. 2 James Henretta (cover says NOT FOR RESALE) $4.00 (I paid for it!!!)

    Writing and Grammar
    Writing with Skill Level 1 Instructor and Student book (student book has 6 pages of pencil erased)$17
    English 5, Rod and Staff Teacher’s Edition, $ 4.00
    How To Teach Spelling, Educators Publishing Service. Teachers Guide and Work book 3 (4th-6th grade-I have 2 workbooks.) $10.00
    Writer’s Inc. by Write Source(1996) $1.00
    IEW Advanced Communication Series, 4 C.D. , Lesson plans and Handouts $30.00
    IEW Teaching Writing: Structure and Style Seminar Book with Binder, $4.00
    Spelling Workout F, (2 pages have pencil erased) $2.00
    Write Shop Teachers Manual $$15.00
    Total Language Plus The Cricket in Times Square, $4.00
    MCT Practice Town Teacher Manual $3.00
    MCT Advanced Academic Writing Vol. 1 Teachers and Student $3.00
    MCT Magic Lens, older edition July 2010 Student book, Teacher Manual and 4Practice Answer $4.00
    Essential Literary Terms, A Brief Norton Guide, Hamilton $3.00
    Sound and Sense-An Introductory to Poetry Perrine 4th Edition $10.00
    Sentence Composing for Middle School, Killgallon $4.00 (NEW)

    Math u See Zeta Teacher book and C.D.- $5.00
    Abeka 5 Arithmetic
    Answer Key, $2.00,- Quizzes, Tests, and Speed Drills, $2.00 – Teacher Quiz, Test and Speed Drill Key, $2.00
    Abeka 6 Arithmetic: Worktext Solution 4th Edition, $3.00, Student quizzes, tests and speed drills, $2.00, Answer key for quizzes and tests, $2.00
    Horizons Pre Algebra : Student book, Teacher Book and Test and Quizzes Book (Student book has Lesson 1, and 2 written) $25.00.
    Lial’s PreAlgebra Teacher Book 4th Edition. Cover worn. $5.00
    Math U See Pre Algebra. Teachers Book and CD $10.00
    Family Math: The Middle School Years: Thompson $5.00 (new)

    Smithsonian Institution: Animal The Definitive Visual Guide to the World’s Wildlife, 2005. $4.00
    Electricity and Electronics Technology 7th Edition. Buban,, $3.00
    Holt Science and Technology, Earth Science (2007)Teacher’s Edition, $2.00
    Holt Science and Technology Interactive Reader and Study Guide Earth Science, $1.00 (I have 2)
    The Usborne Illustrated Dictionary of Physics, $4.00
    The World of Physics, Tiner. One quiz erased and highlight on 1 page. $3.00
    Exploring Creation with Physical Science, Solution and Tests and Answer Key (2nd Edition)$3.00
    Exploring the Night Sky, Terence kickinson $2.00
    Anatomy and Physiology 2nd Edition, Bruce J. Colbert, $5.00
    High School Biology in Your Home: Teacher and Student Set, Sells for 80.00, $25.00
    Gray’s Anatomy: A Fact Filled Coloring Book: Start, PH.D $2.50
    BJU Science 6:
    Student Test and Key, 2.00
    Student Text -2, worn covers, $1.00 each
    Answer Key Activity manual $4.00
    Teachers edition Science 6 $6.00, or the whole thing for $11.00 plus shipping.

    Discovering Who I am in Christ, Deeper Roots-(Jan L. Harris and Howard & Bonnie Lisech) Student book (first 5 pages erased) and Teacher’s Guide. $5.00
    NIV Compact Bible Commentary, John H. Sailhammer, $3.00
    NIV “The Daily Bible” In Chronological Order 365 Daily Readings with Devotional Insights, $3.00
    The Case for Faith, Lee Stobel, Student Edition, $1.00
    In His Steps, Sheldon.(hardback) $4.00
    Against His Will, Castleberry. $2.00
    Bible Study for All Ages: Teachers Guide, Unit 1. With binder. some highlighting on page 1. $5.0
    Odds n Ends
    Spectrum Reading Grade 6, (Standardized Test Prep.) $1.00
    Direct Hits Core Vocabulary of the SAT, Volume 1, $2.00
    Vocabulary Cartoons SAT Word Power, $3.00
    Finding the Career That Fits You-(Natural Behavior Sheet is filled in, otherwise good) $5.00 (from SL)
    Getting Started With Spanish. William Linney $3.50
    A Record of the Learning Lifestyle, NOT GRASS Kitten Cover and Horse Cover. $2.00 each
    Homeschooling High School: Jeanne Gowen Dennis 2nd Edition $2.00
    Money Matters For Teens Workbook, Larry Burkett Age 15-18, $2.00
    What The Bible is All About-Bible Handbook for Kids $3.00
    The Crossway Illustrated Bible Handbook, Tim Dowley $.3.00
    Explorer’s Bible Study (QUEST) Genesis. 3 Student Books and answer key. $25.00 for all or 10 for set of 1 teacher/student
    Homeschooler’s College Admissions Handbook, Cohen $2.00
    How To Read A Book, $3.00
    Bluestocking Guide to Economics (for use with Penny Candy), Williams $2.00
    Fallacy Detective $3.00 (Writing erased)
    Revolution in World Mission K.P. Yahannan, FREE if you ask
    ACT Flash Review , Learning Express. (Vocabulary Words) $1.50


    Just sent an e-mail 🙂

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