Beginning Dictation in 9th grade?

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  • Hi!  My daughter who is going into 9th grade is having trouble with listening comprehension.  I’m thinking that dictation might help, but Im not sure how to start with a student that age.  I am considering Spelling Wisdom.  Do you think dictation would help?  If so, where and how do I start.

    🙂 Kristi

    Rachel White

    HI Kristi. Dictation is for spelling not listening comprehension so I actually wouldn’t think that’d be the right choice for teh issue you’re describing.

    I would recommend you starting her on oral narrations after you have read something aloud. Start with one paragraph (and if that’s too much, then go for a few sentences) from a simpler read-aloud (i.e. no Shakespeare to start with!). This will require her perfect attention for a short amt. of time, and as her attention strengthens, so should her comprehension. She needs to narrate to you in the order which it happened in the sentences and try not to interupt her (or have any other interuptions either) as that interferes with her brain working this through.

    Gradually, as she more easily narrates these few sentences, increase the amt. and by the end of the year, you and she will be amazed. It will increase her attention in-general and her ability to tell you other things as well.

    Don’t give her any prompts other then, “so tell me what happened?”. Otherwise, she will become dependent upon you to jump-start her brain for her. Narrating is hard and she may resist, but keep with it. It exersices the brain in an incredible way. Explain to her what you’ve decided to start doing and why and get her to be on your side in this, to take ownership of this, and getting her will on the side of your will if possible – she’ll be more successful. If she trusts you that you’re doing this for her own good, then she should respond fairly positively, even if she doesn’t understand (which it’s not required that she understand the why’s).

    I also recommend audio books if she doesn’t already listen to them. Also, once she’s going very well on orally narrating, she needs to do it with books she’s reading to herself.



    I know dictation isn’t meant for listening comprhhension but depending on what kind of comprehension you are looking for I could see how it would help. The beuaty of CM’s system is that one thing like dicatation can cover so many bases. It is tough to hear a sentence or part of one once and to be able to reproduce it. Of course when it comes to understanding longer passages, not just immediate reproduction, narration is the key.


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