Apologia Science

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    I’m looking at ordering an elementary Eploring Creation Apologia study but wonder if the Notebooking Journals are a necessity.  DSs will be grade 2 and grade 5.  Will I need one for both of them?  Also, does anyone recommend starting with the Astronomy or the Zoology?  None of us are all that dazzled with spending a whole year on botany. Has anyone minded spending 36 weeks covering the same general area of science?  Does it get boring after a while?  


    From what I’ve heard, the Astronomy study is the easiest.  We are using it right now, well, my 12yo is.  He enjoys it and I don’t think he’s bored…he comes to me with these interesting facts that he’s learning all the time.  Now, he does do nature study with us and any trips to the zoo, beach, etc., so it’s not the only thing for science that he’s involved in.  He does use the notebook and I’m glad I have it. I suppose if I had 2 children doing the same course I would want them to have their own because they need to write/draw, whatever, from their own perspectives (they could not share, is what I’m trying to say).  Okay, I guess they could, but I personally would not want that.  You could have one for one child and if the other is okay with it just use a binder with blank paper…you’d know based on the book and notebook what was to be narrated/drawn, etc. 

    If I was to do that, I would have the notebook for my 8yo and use a binder for my 12yo.  He would care far less about the ‘appearance’ of the notebook vs. binder. 


    Hello. We have only used the Astronomy program. My boys were young, and we absolutely loved it! (See the end of this reply for why we no longer use Apologia.) The Apologia Notebooking Journals were just coming out so we didn’t use them. We did, however, use a free lapbook from a yahoo group for part of the year. I’m sorry that I can no longer find it. Our old computer died, and with it went all of my bookmarks. We started out loving the lapbooks, but about halfway through the Astronomy book, my boys became bored with and tired of the lapbooking. It was overkill, and they were not actually learning or retaining any more. They still enjoyed the Apologia Astronomy readings and activities. If I had it to do over, I’d do only the Apologia Astronomy readings and her suggested activities that are in the book. Sometimes they wanted to draw pictures of what we’d read. That worked great! So, it just depends on your family and what you enjoy.

    I was skeptical about starting with Astronomy, but now I am so glad we did. It has really helped my boys have a better understanding of Geography as we study History. I think perhaps it gave them a better understanding of the universe, and made it easier to understand earth, the explorers, their voyages, and much more. I recommend starting with Astronomy — reading the lessons and doing the activities only. It’s a great foundation. Without any lapbooking, you could easily do each lesson in one to two weeks, especially with the ages of your children.

    A friend gave us all of the Apology books, and I am very thankful. For all the wonderful things about Apologia, I no longer use it as our science program because, as you expressed, it does get boring to cover the same topic in that much depth for the entire year. I know that’s an unpopular statement. Most families go wild over it. However, I keep going back through the Zoology books and the Botany book, trying to plan on using them because we already have them. I just can see it with my boys. We love REAL books. As textbooks go, Apologia is great. But, it is still a textbook, and it does not replace real, living books.

    We used Noeo Science Biology I  http://www.noeoscience.com/ this year. We enjoyed most of the books. The only problem I have with it is the use of Usborne books. It’s too “choppy”. There aren’t as many Usborne books used in the other Noeo programs, so I’m thinking about sticking with it for Physics next year. I have also looked at REAL Science Odyssey from Pandia Press www.pandiapress.com/real_science.htm . I just found that, and it looks great. If I don’t use the Noeo Physics next year, we’ll use the Pandia Press for Earth and Space. I wish I’d started with that. We’ll skip most of the Space lessons because we covered it in Apologia. What I love about Pandia Press REAL Science Odyssey is that there is a delightful banquet of books from which to choose. You don’t have to use extra books, but Pandia provides a great list of books if you want to use them in addition to the lessons that are already right there for you. You can download and use several lessons to try before you buy. They are wonderful.


    You do not need the notebooking journals, but they are nice.  An alternative is to download the free notebooking pages on Apologia’s site, under the link titled “Course Notebook” on the product page for each of the books.



    FYI – there is a yahoo group for those using the elementary Apologia books.  I’ll be using Astronomy next year, but I joined now anyway.  I think it will be a nice added support.


    There is another link for free notebook pages here:


    They are likely the same pages as the ones on Apologia’s site, it’s just a more organized way to retreive them.




    Thanks for the links!  That’s been a big help! 

    I really like the idea of Astronomy, and I’m thinking it’s a good place to start.  One of our pastors has recently started an astronomy club and the boys have really enjoyed looking through the telescopes. 


    We used the Apologia Botany curriculum this year for my first grader and it was a blast. At first I thought it was way over his head, but I was suprised how much he grasped and how the experiments helped him understand what we learned. The notebook is ok to have if your child is writing a bit more than a first grader otherwise you are doing a bit of narration. I would recommned a lapbook to cover the material better for younger students. I purchased a downloadable lapbook specific to Apologia Botany course and it covered all of the material and made it a fun way to refresh what he had learned. My other son who was a preschooler loved it too. We have a big garden and do a lot of work outside and so they loved learning about pollination and identifying different lichen, moss, trees etc. It is an amazing course and I would highly recommend it.

    How long do you block out in your schedule for Apologia? We will be doing anatomy with a 3rd and 4th grader. Thank you.  Kristina


    We have Flying Creatures of The Fifth Day + the notebooking journal and you definitey do not need the journal and could make your own or not!

    We read/do Science 2 days a week, Nature Studies 1-2 days per week, and living science books we read as interest dictates. We have a ds10 and dd4. 

    I was wondering what people would recommend next in the Apologia series?


    Is there something that you love better than Apologia?

    Warmwst Wishes, Renelle

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