Looking Past Your Homeschool Fears

Homeschooling Looking Past the Fear

“This homeschooling full-time looks so intimidating!”

“I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep up with everything that is expected of me.”

“What if one of my children has special needs, or what if I get sick, or what if I have to go back to work?”

“Sometimes I feel like it’s me against the world.”

“I’m afraid I’ll ruin my child because I don’t know much about the subject he loves.”

Do any of those fears strike a chord in your heart? It seems like no matter how long we’ve been homeschooling, we moms face some, or all, of these fears:

  • The fear of what God might be calling us to do,
  • The fear of being inadequate for the job,
  • The fear of “What if?”
  • The fear of rejection and ridicule,
  • The fear of our weak areas ruining everything.

The good news is that God has responded to each of those five fears. At the burning bush, Moses presented each of those very same fears to God, and God gave Moses the encouragement that he needed to do the job God was asking him to do. The truths God gave to Moses can encourage us in the job He has asked us to do, too.

In a new audio workshop, Looking Past the Fear, Sonya discusses those five fears and presents God’s response to each. This topic is especially meaningful because it is rooted in a wonderfully honest discussion we had on the SCM Forum. Special thanks to those ladies who participated in that discussion!

We hope that this message will strengthen your courage and help you regain your perspective. May you be encouraged in your calling as a homeschool mom as you learn how to look past the fear and look to the Lord.

Listen to the sample and order your copy today.

Early Years Series Next Week

Next week we will begin our new series: the Early Years. We’ll look at what Charlotte Mason believed were the most important things to concentrate on during your child’s preschool years. Her priorities may surprise you.

One comment

  1. Just downloaded this and will be putting the kids to bed early tonight to listen! It’s a very timely message for me personally as I’ve been struggling all summer with fear related to homeschooling! Thanks, Sonya!

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