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Sometimes the question is asked by a newbie who is just beginning to research the different approaches to homeschooling. Other times a fellow CMer asks the question because she likes to hear more about something she enjoys too. Then again, the question might come from a veteran homeschooler who is curious about Charlotte Mason and wants to learn more about her methods and what they might look like in that mom’s home.
What do you like most about the Charlotte Mason method?
It’s tough to pin down an answer! There are so many wonderful aspects of Charlotte Mason, so many gems that affect more than just “school time”!
In this CM Blog Carnival, you will read some answers to that question, and you will be encouraged to ponder the abundance that Charlotte’s methods give us to like. Enjoy!
What I Like Most About CM
First, Silvia shares about Charlotte Mason’s view of the teacher and contrasts it to that of a public school teacher in her post, Inner Change.
Lanaya tells us how a Charlotte Mason Education nourishes and excites her, the teacher, as well as the student in It Feeds.
Celeste shares some photos from her home school to show What I Love Most about a Charlotte Mason Education.
Jen’s favorite thing about Charlotte Mason is the way she used books, and she explains why with her post, What I Love About Charlotte Mason.
Other Things to Like About CM
Amanda shows how to make friendship bracelets as a handicraft in Friendship Bracelets: A Charlotte Mason Handicraft.
In The Catcher in the Rye: Musings on the Formation of Character, Megan contemplates what Charlotte Mason said about a disciplined will.
Mama Squirrel writes about how she rearranged her school schedule to have a “camp” with her daughter for a week this summer in Dollygirl’s Grade Six: Camp Fun Week. She also discusses her admiration for how Charlotte Mason mined her culture for the best of the best while choosing books that offered mental connections for the child with her post, Hooks to Hang Things On: Charlotte Mason for All Time.
Brandy’s Possibility, Not Heredity gives us a contemplative look at how Charlotte Mason believed that the education was what made a child good or bad, not his ancestry. Then, in All Education = Self-Education she explains what Charlotte Mason meant when she wrote, “there is no education but self-education.”
Barb shares 5 Charlotte Mason High School Ideas That Worked, demonstrating that the Charlotte Mason method is practical even in the high school years.
Camille relates the lawlessness of Mexico with the importance of developing a student’s reasoning abilities to determine right and wrong in Parenting Challenge–Teaching Reasoning.
Nancy shares several quotes about the habit of imagination with her Evidence of Things Not Seen.
Carol does a roundup of a few living books she has enjoyed for math in Living Books for Maths.
Amy explains How examining exams can help teachers teach better, contemplating that Charlotte Mason-style exams are an indicator of what a student knows, not what he has missed. She also shares a set of nature study links in Nature Study Monday :: June!! LINKup.
The Next CM Blog Carnival
Every two weeks a new collection of Charlotte Mason-related blog posts is published as a blog carnival. All those who enjoy this regular boost to their spirits appreciate Amy Tuttle’s work behind the scenes, keeping it all organized. Thanks to Amy and to all those who have hosted the carnival this year!
If you have a blog and write about your Charlotte Mason home educating, feel free to join in as a contributor or a hostess. Or just follow the carnival as it is hosted at various blog “homes” through the weeks. So many wonderful ideas from which to glean!
The next Charlotte Mason blog carnival will be published on June 25 at Higher Up and Further In. If you would like to submit your post to be included in that collection, send a note, with a link to your post, to the organizer, Amy, at charlottemasonblogs (AT) gmail (DOT) com by June 24. Any post about CM homeschooling is welcome, but if you would like a writing prompt, the optional theme will be Knowledge of God (Vol. 6, Ch. 10, pt. 1).