Category Seasonal Inspiration

Posts and articles related to specific times of the year.

Charlotte Mason on Christmas

God With Us

This time of year, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus and look toward the unknown future of the coming year, we can find comfort and confidence in the truth that Jesus is called Immanuel, God with us. Charlotte Mason…


Take Joy Home

I like to ponder this poem that Charlotte Mason and her student teachers pondered every Christmas season. Take joy home,And make a place in thy great heart for her,And give her time to grow, and cherish her!Then will She come…

Family Christmas

A Christmas Carol

God bless you all this Christmas DayAnd drive the cares and griefs away.Oh, may the shining Bethlehem starWhich led the wise men from afarUpon your heads, good sirs, still glowTo light the path that ye should go.

Feeding our minds

Feed Your Mind

Two statements this week have grabbed my attention. One was made by a speaker; the other, by my daughter. First, the speaker. He said that the typical adult needs about 2,000 calories per day to run on. Of those 2,000…

make it happen

A Good Resolution

Perhaps this isn’t the prime time of the year to talk about resolutions. Usually resolutions are discussed around New Year’s Day. However, it is homeschool convention season, and many good resolutions are made at conventions too. You hear a workshop…

Winter Cardinal

Nature Study Ideas for Winter

In the midst of yet another cold front and winter weather advisory, I wondered what nature lovers during Charlotte Mason’s day did for winter nature study. So I turned to The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady to see what…

Christmas Shepherds

The Shepherds at Bethlehem

Sometimes a turn of phrase can bring a fresh perspective on the familiar. That is what Charlotte Mason’s poetry has done for me this season. Ponder, for a moment, these descriptions of the shepherds’ experience on the night of Christ’s…

Snow flowers

A Winter Season

It’s hard to believe that winter is nearly here. The leaves are off the trees and it seems like there is nothing green growing in sight. Yet this time of year is important to the growth process. Something is happening…