Month September 2020

Charlotte Mason Hints for Teachers Homeschool

Hints to Teachers

On my bookshelf I have a copy of a book from the early 1900s that was used in Charlotte Mason’s schools. Many books like this contain an introduction full of helpful comments, but the introduction to this book is so…

Picture Study Portfolio Holbein

New Picture Study: Holbein

A new artist has been added to the award-winning Picture Study Portfolios collection: Hans Holbein. Each Holbein picture in the portfolio has an interesting story behind it that will encourage your child to look closely and discover more about the…

How to Teach Grammar Charlotte Mason Homeschool

How to Teach Grammar

Today we want to discuss how Charlotte Mason taught English grammar. Grammar analyzes the system and the structure of a language. That’s a heavy concept that requires abstract thinking, so Charlotte did not start formal grammar lessons until the student…

Charlotte Mason Homeschool Nature Study Not a Checklist

Nature Study: Not Just a Checklist

Today we want to discuss a mind-set that could be robbing you of some of the richness involved in nature study the Charlotte Mason way. We want to talk about whether your mind-set is a checklist (“Yep, just do that.”)…

Charlotte Mason Homeschool Notebooking

Charlotte Mason Notebooking

Some of you have asked about notebooking and whether that is a Charlotte Mason method. It’s a good question, and the answer all depends on what you’re thinking of when you think “notebooking.” For some people, notebooking is like scrapbooking.…