Month April 2015


Charlotte Mason on Prayer

If there is one thing I have become strongly convinced of over recent years, it is the importance of praying for our children. Every day. We cannot know what thoughts assail our children’s minds and hearts, all that transpires within…

homeschool mom and daughter laughing

Charlotte Mason on Kindness

Isn’t it funny how sometimes it’s hardest to show kindness to those with whom we live day in and day out? It seems like when we walk out the front door, we remind ourselves that others are watching and we…


Doing Nature Study in Your Yard

(Editor’s Note: I’m happy to present another very helpful nature study article from my friend, Karen. She’s a wealth of nature study ideas, and I’m sure you’ll find much to encourage you from her thoughts on how to do nature…

Observing tadpoles

Have a Purpose in Mind

(Editor’s Note: I’ve learned so much about nature from my friend and coworker, Karen Smith, over the years! She is my nature go-to person. I know you will enjoy this practical and encouraging reminder from her on an important basic…