Analytical Grammar, question please

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  • I am thinking of using this for my 13 year old. Is this something he can do independently for the most part? He needs lessons that are short and to the point, but also be cemented in his brain in a few months. Any insight?



    I’m using it with my 11 year old right now. Instead of doing 1 chapter per week we split it and do over 2 weeks (1/2 page per day). Usually she reads the notes/new teaching page, then we do the first sentence or two of the first practice page together. After that she’s on her own each day for 1/2 a page. It is always open notes, which helps. I had to teach her how to look back and find out information if she couldn’t remember something and that has been a really good thing for her.

    Thanks Tristan, that is very helpful!!


    I have 2 13 year olds doing it and they can do it on their own. We grade things together just because I want to but they could do it all alone.


    Has anyone seen or read the new literature guide by AG yet?

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